Unexpected helpers
When the skin is damaged, the glial cells of the nervous tissue are rebuilt, migrate to the damaged area and support the regeneration processes.
26.01.2018When the skin is damaged, the glial cells of the nervous tissue are rebuilt, migrate to the damaged area and support the regeneration processes.
26.01.2018A new system for manipulating liquid droplets will allow you to study thousands of reactions simultaneously.
26.01.2018Simple, easy and effective, it detects blood glucose without injections by analyzing the chemical composition of tears or sweat.
26.01.2018The startup Tara Biosystems has grown a "heart on a chip", which can reduce the time of drug testing to one year.
26.01.2018A stable source of oxygen for first aid is being tested, which is administered intravenously. The excess is capable of self-destruction.
26.01.2018Macaques cloned using the "Dolly sheep method" were born at the Institute of Neurobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
26.01.2018A system focused on the treatment of one disease in one patient needs to be reorganized and resources prepared for its implementation.
26.01.2018The influenza virus with increased sensitivity to interferon protected experimental animals, including from unrelated wild-type strains.
26.01.2018The exoskeleton of the hand is able to train brain activity and include those parts of the brain that were not previously responsible for movements in this hand.
26.01.2018Blocking chronic inflammation may increase the effectiveness of vaccines for the elderly.
26.01.2018Buying small biotech startups means growth for the entire industry, but will pharmaceutical companies invest more actively in such enterprises?
24.01.2018A number of companies offer to buy personal genetic information in order to then sell it for medical research.
23.01.2018Humans differ from other primates in large amounts of dopamine, a neurotransmitter important for establishing cooperation.
23.01.2018China may be ahead of the United States in the use of genome editing technologies originally developed in the West.
23.01.2018Scientists have started developing a new neural network to search for manifestations of various diseases in medical images.
23.01.2018The use of 100% fruit juices, even very sweet ones, does not have any significant effects on insulin and glucose indicators.
23.01.2018It has become possible to screen eight of the most common types of cancer early with a single blood test.
23.01.2018The use of electricity to move nanorobots accelerated the assembly of complex molecules by 100,000 times.
23.01.2018Platelet vesicles increase the ability of stem cells to move to the infarction zone and stay there.
22.01.2018To turn "adult" cells into stem cells, it was enough to activate a single "Yamanaki factor" – Sox2 or Oct4.
22.01.2018You can write to the editor at:
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