Neurochemical origin of man
Humans differ from other primates in large amounts of dopamine, a neurotransmitter important for establishing cooperation.
23.01.2018Humans differ from other primates in large amounts of dopamine, a neurotransmitter important for establishing cooperation.
23.01.2018China may be ahead of the United States in the use of genome editing technologies originally developed in the West.
23.01.2018Scientists have started developing a new neural network to search for manifestations of various diseases in medical images.
23.01.2018The use of 100% fruit juices, even very sweet ones, does not have any significant effects on insulin and glucose indicators.
23.01.2018It has become possible to screen eight of the most common types of cancer early with a single blood test.
23.01.2018The use of electricity to move nanorobots accelerated the assembly of complex molecules by 100,000 times.
23.01.2018Platelet vesicles increase the ability of stem cells to move to the infarction zone and stay there.
22.01.2018To turn "adult" cells into stem cells, it was enough to activate a single "Yamanaki factor" – Sox2 or Oct4.
22.01.2018The results of the study will help to develop a drug for the treatment of atopic dermatitis and other inflammatory skin diseases.
22.01.2018A biodegradable piezoelectric sensor can be useful for tracking the dynamics of lung diseases, brain edema and other diseases.
22.01.2018Researchers describe a new way of transmitting information between neurons that has similarities to viruses.
22.01.2018Can memory training improve thinking in older people with cognitive impairments?
22.01.2018A dangerous toxin isolated from the poison that Africans used to lubricate arrows for hunting may become the first contraceptive in history for men.
19.01.2018A detailed study of the Klotho protein has provided data that will allow the development of new treatments for various diseases.
19.01.2018Humans live longer than animals of similar size due to a special gene device associated with the suppression of cellular stress.
19.01.2018The ultrasound system allows remote control of CAR-T lymphocytes, prompting them to recognize and kill cancer cells.
19.01.2018This newly proposed criterion measures how old people are, not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of death.
19.01.2018A new approach to strengthening patient-specific T cells outside the body may increase the effectiveness of cancer immunotherapy.
19.01.2018Alcohol metabolite acetaldehyde can damage DNA in stem cells, which increases the risk of cancer.
19.01.2018The "blood vessel on a chip" helped to find a new effective anti-inflammatory drug.
18.01.2018You can write to the editor at:
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