CRISPR for gene therapy: surmountable difficulties
Can we assume that the data on the immunogenicity of Cas9 put an end to gene therapy with the CRISPR system?
16.01.2018Can we assume that the data on the immunogenicity of Cas9 put an end to gene therapy with the CRISPR system?
16.01.2018Analogs of genes that allow lampreys to repair a damaged spine and severed spinal cord have also been found in humans.
16.01.2018An experimental anti-obesity drug reduces adipose tissue by increasing metabolism in lipocytes and does not suppress appetite.
16.01.2018Even after switching to a normal diet, the immune system in mice continued to be in a hyperactive state.
16.01.2018A venture investor in biotech has two ways to secure his investments: to buy more expensive at late stages or to reduce risks on his own.
16.01.2018Microflora can influence the activity of genes with the help of short fatty acids, such as butyric acid.
15.01.2018In mice with colon cancer, a "diet" of GM bacteria and broccoli reduced the number of tumors by 75%.
15.01.2018Data from surveys involving 216,314 people showed that more than 60% of people who have ever tried smoking become smokers.
15.01.2018Phase III of clinical studies of the cartilage tissue regeneration technique with the use of donor stem cells has begun.
15.01.2018How biotechnologists learn to "hack microorganisms" and why investors invested almost $1 billion in such startups last year.
15.01.2018The discovery of a new mechanism of brain aging will help in the future to prolong the normal functioning of the central nervous system in humans.
15.01.2018For the first time, scientists from the USA synthesized a working muscle from blood and skin samples of patients.
12.01.2018Nanoparticles embedded in the membranes of macrophages absorb endotoxins, reduce inflammation and improve the prognosis for sepsis.
12.01.2018There are animals that have simply turned off aging and can preserve a young organism for life.
12.01.2018Scientists are finding out whether it is possible to use nucleic acid-based memory for storing information.
12.01.2018The fusion of two neighboring genes significantly increases the activity of mitochondria, causing the development of certain types of cancer.
12.01.2018A short translation of the material by The Verge author Angela Chen about a genetic study that did not meet expectations.
12.01.2018The porous polymer capsule is able to pass free radicals inside and neutralize them according to the principle of a "reusable trap".
12.01.2018Parkinson's disease is divided into several stages depending on the severity of symptoms.
11.01.2018The hormone imbalance caused by it in the male body can reduce libido, affect muscle mass and fertility.
11.01.2018You can write to the editor at:
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