Nanogubki against sepsis
Nanoparticles embedded in the membranes of macrophages absorb endotoxins, reduce inflammation and improve the prognosis for sepsis.
12.01.2018Nanoparticles embedded in the membranes of macrophages absorb endotoxins, reduce inflammation and improve the prognosis for sepsis.
12.01.2018There are animals that have simply turned off aging and can preserve a young organism for life.
12.01.2018Scientists are finding out whether it is possible to use nucleic acid-based memory for storing information.
12.01.2018The fusion of two neighboring genes significantly increases the activity of mitochondria, causing the development of certain types of cancer.
12.01.2018A short translation of the material by The Verge author Angela Chen about a genetic study that did not meet expectations.
12.01.2018The porous polymer capsule is able to pass free radicals inside and neutralize them according to the principle of a "reusable trap".
12.01.2018Parkinson's disease is divided into several stages depending on the severity of symptoms.
11.01.2018The hormone imbalance caused by it in the male body can reduce libido, affect muscle mass and fertility.
11.01.2018With the help of high-precision ultrasound scanning, scientists were able to determine the position of modified bacteria in the animal's body.
11.01.2018The introduction of cancer gene therapy will cause serious financial consequences for the health systems of even rich countries.
11.01.2018American geneticists are developing the technology of growing spermatozoa from somatic cells.
11.01.2018Gene therapy restored normal glucose levels in mice with a type 1 diabetes model.
11.01.2018Dermatologists from Northwestern University in Illinois have found a way to rejuvenate the face without the help of cosmetics and plastic surgeons.
11.01.2018Rating of the most popular human genes (and at the same time – other animals, and not only for the past year). Let's get to know the leaders.
10.01.2018In tests on macaques, a DNA vaccine designed for 4 strains of influenza provided 100% protection, including against other strains.
10.01.2018Many interesting approaches to the treatment of aging as a medical condition are already very close to being suitable for commercial development.
10.01.2018Bones are the unsung heroes of anatomy. Usually little attention is paid to their study, although they perform a number of vital functions.
10.01.2018The proportionality between the inner and outer protein nanotubes increases the efficiency of syringe-like nanomachines.
10.01.2018From the point of view of the development of medical technologies, the past year can be called the "year of genome editing".
10.01.2018The action of psilocybin is fundamentally different from the action of traditional antidepressants.
10.01.2018You can write to the editor at:
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