How do cancer cells arise?
As a rule, as a result of gene mutations associated with either proliferation (cell division) or apoptosis (programmed cell death).
11.07.2017As a rule, as a result of gene mutations associated with either proliferation (cell division) or apoptosis (programmed cell death).
11.07.2017Hydroxychloroquine, one of the oldest medicines for malaria, protects the embryo from the penetration of Zika virus particles into it through the placental barrier.
11.07.2017The neural network does not yet recognize many heart diseases, including myocardial infarction, but it can be improved in the course of further research.
11.07.2017Holocaust victims have a small but consistently increased risk of developing cancer. Previously, such studies were conducted for other diseases.
11.07.2017The girl whose tooth was found in 1984 in Denisova Cave belonged to Denisovans, not Neanderthals, and she lived much earlier than three other Denisovans.
10.07.2017Diabetes medications have different effects on mice and humans due to differences in beta cell receptors, so drugs tested on mice often do not help people.
10.07.2017Psychogeneticist Robert Plomin – about the role of genes and upbringing in the formation of personality, the ability to foreign languages and gemini studies.
10.07.2017Scientists believe that at the moment the surface of Mars has a detrimental effect on microorganisms. Even liquid water is harmful to cells if it contains perchlorates.
10.07.2017Their main task is to get infected with the virus, die and spread information about it among other components of immunity.
10.07.2017American scientists have discovered that the Foxo protein simultaneously provides the accumulation of adipose tissue and nutrition of skeletal muscles.
10.07.2017Korea is the first foreign market where ExoaThlet launches sales. The next stage will be certification in China, Japan, Singapore.
07.07.2017Novosibirsk scientists have created a fundamentally new method of combating hypertension, experimenting with short DNA chains of 10-20 "letters"-nucleotides.
07.07.2017Currently, only three new drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea are being developed, and there are no guarantees that they will successfully pass clinical trials.
07.07.2017The development of colon and rectal cancer can be suppressed by blocking the work of the STRA6 protein associated with the transfer of vitamin A and the growth and reproduction of stem cells.
07.07.2017Experts of the Solo project of the Atlas biomedical holding talk about real and mythical factors that increase the risk of cancer.
07.07.2017The fact that we will break this program, the author has no doubts. A matter of time. And I would really like it to happen not in 50 years, but in 20.
07.07.2017Millions of years ago there were no white, brown, or Himalayan bears, but thanks to evolution, their ancestors adapted to environmental conditions, dividing into the species we know.
06.07.2017Two research groups from different countries conducted clinical studies of individual melanoma vaccines, which confirmed their effectiveness and safety.
06.07.2017The authors of the new work have shown that chronic daily alcohol consumption in terms of the development of cravings for alcohol is about as dangerous as binge drinking.
06.07.2017When a mouse cannot smell its food, it may "think" that it has eaten more than it actually has, and this encourages it to expend more energy.
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