Suppress the immune system
For scientists who develop treatment methods based on therapeutic viruses, excessive activity of the immune system is extremely undesirable.
23.01.2017For scientists who develop treatment methods based on therapeutic viruses, excessive activity of the immune system is extremely undesirable.
23.01.2017Paolo Macchiarini's career path is similar to the trajectory of a ballistic missile: the Italian's fame soared to cosmic heights, and then he was waiting for a rapid flight down.
23.01.2017The telemedicine future, in which smartphone diagnostics and remote consultation in many cases can replace a real visit to the doctor, is just around the corner.
23.01.2017Superhemophobic material is practically not recognized by the body as foreign. This material can be used for the manufacture of surgical implants with a low risk of rejection by the body.
23.01.2017The antitumor drug bexarotene turns white fat into brown, which has a positive effect on the metabolism of mice even when they are kept on a high-calorie diet.
23.01.2017How human organs are "grown" in the laboratory, whether they will be able to replace donor ones, when such technologies will become massively available and what mini-organs are needed for.
20.01.2017The authors of the new work proposed using artificial intelligence in order to estimate the possible life expectancy of patients with pulmonary hypertension.
20.01.2017The FDA has published draft rules governing the use of animals whose genome has been edited using CRISPR and other advanced technologies.
20.01.2017Scientists believe that due to its simplicity and variability, this design can find application in the medical field and in the field of biotechnology within a couple of years.
20.01.2017In combination with genetic factors, concussion may be associated with an accelerated rate of cerebral cortex atrophy and memory loss in Alzheimer's disease.
20.01.2017In addition to stem cells from the material left over from artificial insemination procedures, induced pluripotent stem cells were used in organoid cultivation.
19.01.2017An international group of scientists has developed and successfully tested an implantable soft robotic device on animals, which, by hugging the heart, promotes its contractions.
19.01.2017A micro stroke is a type of stroke that lasts only a few minutes. A new study has found that micro-strokes are much more dangerous than is commonly believed.
19.01.2017Age-related inflammatory status can cause cardiovascular and other diseases; consumption of caffeinated products partially reduces this risk.
19.01.2017The researchers obtained 1,000 meters of spider fiber from a liter flask with GM bacteria. Its only drawback is that it is less durable than the natural prototype.
19.01.2017The telomeres of women who sat 10-13 hours a day, on average, were 170 "letters" shorter than normal, which corresponds to about 9 years of additional biological age.
19.01.2017The new system makes it possible to detect mutations associated with certain types of cancer with an accuracy almost equal to stationary laboratory equipment.
18.01.2017Scientists from America and the UK managed to characterize changes in the expression of more than 100 genes associated with aging in ten regions of the brain.
18.01.2017We can expect that the proceedings in Russia will begin when the petition arrives at the relevant departments. Perhaps, in this case, questions will arise not only to Paolo Macchiarini.
18.01.2017Now in most developed countries of the world, genetic research has become a routine diagnostic method in cardiology and is fully funded by the state.
18.01.2017You can write to the editor at:
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