After a stroke, help neurons myelinate
American scientists have achieved the restoration of brain tissue after a stroke of white matter in mice by stimulating the myelination of damaged neurons.
14.12.2016American scientists have achieved the restoration of brain tissue after a stroke of white matter in mice by stimulating the myelination of damaged neurons.
14.12.2016A group of doctors from the National Cancer Institute reported that their new treatment method was able to get rid of colon cancer in the first patient.
14.12.2016A group of researchers from Stanford University has learned to control the behavior of animals using an electro-optical device implanted in the brain.
14.12.2016Using a head cooling device during chemotherapy for cancer treatment can reduce the incidence of severe hair loss by 50%.
13.12.2016Roman Deev, Director of Science at the Institute of Human Stem Cells – about his view on the prospects of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering in Russia.
13.12.2016The return to stability, which the market has achieved after the decline in indicators over the years of economic turbulence, allows us to hope for its growth in the foreseeable future.
13.12.2016Thousands of doctors and researchers dealing with genetic diseases around the world use the Face2Gene computer program for preliminary diagnosis.
12.12.2016A team of scientists from Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Canada used modified ferromagnetic microdisks to destroy cancerous tumors in mice.
12.12.2016A drug developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes is being prepared for trials as the first drug capable of slowing the progress of Parkinson's disease.
12.12.2016An experimental personalized antitumor vaccine has significantly improved the results of treatment of patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
12.12.2016Artificial blood stored in powder form will revolutionize emergency medical care in the future and increase the chances of survival of patients with severe injuries.
12.12.2016Chinese scientists have shown that transplanting immature fetal neurons into the amygdala of mice makes it easier for them to get rid of fears.
12.12.2016The award of the Russian Pharma Awards 2016 competition was awarded to a drug with unproven efficacy Polyoxidonium and even a homeopathic "drug" Anaferon.
12.12.2016The proteins that viruses use to protect themselves from cellular "antiviruses" can be used to protect cells and entire organisms from editing their DNA.
12.12.2016Russian cardiac surgeons have begun to perform unique operations: with the help of laser and stem cells, they save the lives of patients with severe coronary heart disease.
09.12.2016One of the latest developments is gene therapy using a drug that stimulates the growth of new collateral vessels in the affected limb.
09.12.2016We have popular horror stories about palm oil: it is not digested and is not excreted from the body, prevents children from absorbing calcium, harms blood vessels and even causes cancer.
09.12.2016Under the influence of the new drug, children with severe forms of muscular atrophy remain alive, and, according to the impression of doctors, the longer the treatment is carried out, the more the condition improves.
08.12.2016When taking drugs that have not passed clinical trials to slow down aging, it should be remembered that all the risks associated with this have not yet been studied.
08.12.2016Scientists have completed the development of a microfluidic device that bypassed the limitations of previous models of the hemato-encephalic barrier (BBB).
08.12.2016You can write to the editor at:
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