You can see by the eyes
Russian scientists plan to predict heart disease from a fundus image.
28.04.2022Russian scientists plan to predict heart disease from a fundus image.
28.04.2022A large-scale analysis showed that people over the age of 80 with a body mass index above the recommended norm have a lower mortality rate.
28.04.2022How should an exoskeleton help its wearer move? The answer is not as obvious as it might seem.
28.04.2022Stomach-on-a-chip simulates the mechanical function of the heart and will be a useful tool for testing new treatments.
27.04.2022Some scientists claim that dinosaurs had bright coloring, and some even sported feathers like peacocks.
27.04.2022A new gene editing platform, TALED, has made it possible to swap adenine for guanine in the DNA of mitochondria.
27.04.2022This is the name of a new type of programmed cell death, which provides constant tissue renewal in the intestine of the fruit fly.
27.04.2022The magnetic needle, controlled remotely, can deliver medicines, take tissue samples and suture internal organs without incisions.
26.04.2022An international group of scientists has obtained nanocapsules with a polymer shell that overcome the blood-brain barrier.
26.04.2022The combination of vitamin D, omega-3 and exercise reduced the overall risk of tumor development by 61% – more than twice.
26.04.2022Low-calorie nutrition changes the composition of the intestinal microbiota, which mediates many positive effects on the body.
26.04.2022To give their products biological activity, the authors impregnated them with plasma (a liquid component of blood) with platelets.
26.04.2022Formate secreted by the intestinal bacterium Fusobacterium nucleatum affects the metabolism of colorectal cancer cells.
26.04.2022With the help of interspecific chimerism, it was possible to grow functional human blood cells.
25.04.2022Molecular biologist and popularizer of science Elena Kleshchenko – about how DNA-related technologies have changed our lives.
25.04.2022It is possible to determine the risk of developing and diagnose Parkinson's disease at an early stage by the composition of the microbiota.
25.04.2022Calorie restriction explains most of the positive effects of interval fasting.
25.04.2022The effectiveness of the "electronic language" was confirmed by using it to identify influenza A viruses and Newcastle disease.
25.04.2022Researchers have discovered an intriguing link between the immune system of naked diggers and their social status.
25.04.2022Caring for others, empathy, the desire to volunteer and life satisfaction often increase with age.
25.04.2022You can write to the editor at:
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