L'Oreal for female scientists
L'Oreal Russia National Scholarships for young Russian women scientists.
27.02.2012L'Oreal Russia National Scholarships for young Russian women scientists.
27.02.2012We can safely count on the fact that in 50 million years human men will have their Y chromosome. Unless, of course, our species itself disappears by virtue of its own activity.
24.02.2012The lifespan of male mice with an additional copy of the SIRT6 gene increased by 10-17%.
24.02.2012He said so on the air: "In the next 50 years... cloning would be an easy option. We, the doppelgangers, will live right with them, with each other, as they say...".
22.02.2012Those who worry more before a stressful event age faster at the cellular level. This is expressed in the shortening of telomeres, counters of cell division, which are considered indicators of biological age.
22.02.2012Any scientist conducting his own research in the field of chemistry, biology, pharmacology and medicine can take part in the competition "Vanguard of Knowledge".
22.02.2012The proximity of unpopular events on the pension front is not at all obvious. After all, only the government can go to them, which is not pretending, but really confident in popular support.
22.02.2012A miniature disposable base sequence determinant in a DNA molecule – MinION – is a side project that was born when creating a larger and more powerful reusable sequencing system – GridION.
21.02.2012"Our results are the first evidence that alcohol consumption can have a protective effect against infectious diseases and, in particular, blood–borne parasites," says the head of the study.
20.02.2012Within the framework of the International Scientific Student Congress and the Federal Project for the Development of Student Entrepreneurship, an open interuniversity project "Create your own business" will be held on February 20 – March 2
20.02.2012Smoking and obesity "age" the body at the molecular level in the same way as time does.
20.02.2012The 3x5x1 cm device implanted under the skin, which injects the necessary drugs into the patient's body according to a pre-prepared program or by a radio signal from outside, has passed the first clinical trials.
20.02.2012Cylindrical nanocontainers made by DNA origami can find targets in mixed cultures from healthy and cancer cells and release the contents exactly to the target.
17.02.2012A method has been developed to stimulate bone growth using a substance whose hybrid molecules are attached to bone marrow stem cells with one part, and with the help of the second they are directed to the bone surface.
16.02.2012Bacteriophages should be treated only if bacteria are highly sensitive to them, but even in this case, doctors cannot guarantee a therapeutic effect. So do not rush to give up on antibiotics.
16.02.2012Six months after the introduction of stem cells obtained from the heart muscle of patients who had suffered a heart attack, the size of the scars on their hearts decreased by almost 2 times.
16.02.2012Decree "On the establishment of a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and postgraduates engaged in promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy."
16.02.2012Local administration of a gene therapy drug ensures the synthesis of myelin, and, accordingly, the restoration of isolation of nerve fibers in brain tissues – so far only mouse.
15.02.2012The bioactive ingredient of the drug, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine against malaria, is able to treat many autoimmune diseases and even slow down the progression of cancer.
15.02.2012The technique, which forces the dendritic cells of patients to participate in the formation of immunity against HIV, does not allow for a complete cure, but it is safe and has a pronounced, albeit limited, therapeutic effect.
15.02.2012You can write to the editor at:
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