Dynasty grants for young biologists
The Dynasty Foundation announces a competition for grants for young biologists specializing in molecular and cellular biology.
20.09.2011The Dynasty Foundation announces a competition for grants for young biologists specializing in molecular and cellular biology.
20.09.2011The foundation of the first building of the technopark in the Swedish city of Lund was laid in September 1983, and a few months later the first two start-up pharmaceutical companies became its residents. Today, the results of Ideon impress even skeptics.
20.09.2011The mutual stimulation existing between autophagy and the LIPL-4 fat-splitting enzyme increases the life of C.elegans roundworms by 25%.
20.09.2011If you are lucky and you live to a very old age, your body will stop aging. Can we learn to stop the hands of this clock earlier?
02.09.2011A few weeks after a single injection of the JX-594 virus culture to patients with metastatic cancer, half of the participants in the experiment had the tumor stopped growing, and one even decreased in size.
02.09.2011Many symptoms of aging, such as shaking hands, balance disorders, difficulty walking, etc., can be caused by blockage of the smallest vessels of the brain, which cannot be detected using existing methods.
02.09.2011Envy the owners of a "genetic overdose", naturally thin, like a model dying of anorexia, is not worth it: every fourth of them receives microcephaly in a set of super-slimness.
01.09.2011With instability in the stock markets and troubles with the macroeconomic situation, such an investment as Pfizer will be very useful. This is a sound and high-quality asset for the long term.
01.09.2011A tiny oxygen generator injected into the tumor using a biopsy needle will increase the effectiveness of radio and chemotherapy for malignant tumors.
01.09.2011Do not rush to hide children from bloodsuckers: if the research is completed successfully, synthetic chemokines can be used for rejuvenation.
01.09.2011Microparticles from hydrogel make it possible to determine the miRNA profiles characteristic of various types of cancer and other diseases in blood samples. The new method is 100 times more sensitive and much more accurate than the existing ones.
01.09.2011The domestic dietary supplement market is flooded with carnitine, which is offered as an effective fat burner, as well as as an "energy supplement" for bodybuilding and aerobics classes. But what do scientists say about the effectiveness of carnitine?
31.08.2011The Laboratory of Artificial and Natural Evolution invites a creative highly motivated specialist in the field of bioinformatics and parallel computing who is interested in studying the evolution of biological molecules.
31.08.2011The reason for the increase in bone fragility as we age lies not only in the decrease in bone mass, leading to osteoporosis. Aging leads to deterioration of the mechanical properties of the cortical substance (outer layer) of the bone at different structural levels.
31.08.2011Supporters of the unconditional legalization of euthanasia are about 49% of the French, another 45% consider such a measure possible if certain conditions are met. Moreover, representatives of older age groups support this measure more than young people.
31.08.2011Rockefeller University announces the next enrollment in postgraduate studies in a wide range of biomedical and related specialties: biomedicine, biochemistry, chemistry, structural biology, genetics, molecular, cellular biology, immunology, virology, microbiology, physics, mathematical biology…
30.08.2011High levels of cathepsin S in the blood of elderly people indicate an increased risk of death from cancer or cardiovascular diseases.
30.08.2011Suppression of one of the signaling mechanisms activated by an encounter with an infectious agent makes it possible to temporarily rejuvenate inactivated T-lymphocytes of the aging immune system.
30.08.2011Researchers from Yale claim that free radicals make us overeat – one of the causes of aging. A disappointing alternative: be young and fat or aging fast, but with a great figure…
29.08.2011According to experts, over the next five years, the cost of obtaining one nucleotide should reach the value of €0.3-0.5 while maintaining the pace of development of the synthetic genomics industry.
29.08.2011You can write to the editor at:
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