Do we always honor the elderly?
Elderly people are one of the most disadvantaged categories of citizens. The most difficult problem for lonely old people is their contact with our medicine.
26.10.2009Elderly people are one of the most disadvantaged categories of citizens. The most difficult problem for lonely old people is their contact with our medicine.
26.10.2009Safe and effective vaccines, the active component of which are virus-like particles, due to the speed of manufacture, can solve the long-standing problem of the timely appearance of vaccines against rapidly mutating influenza virus.
23.10.2009The Australian company Integrated Diagnostics is developing a chip for rapid analysis of thousands of blood proteins – biomarkers associated with health conditions and various diseases.
23.10.2009Modern means for the treatment of obesity have a lot of disadvantages. Drugs that are close to entering the market are combinations of well–known drugs, not something new. In those that are at earlier stages of development, serious side effects may be detected during clinical trials.
23.10.2009Nanopowning: a unique technique guarantees minus 10 kg and an exciting figure – without dieting and training, in just two weeks. Guess how?
22.10.2009The final book of the Nano-Hype study, which was funded by the American National Science Foundation, explicitly states the danger of the formation of a "nanobubble". Of course, many wonderful scientists and entrepreneurs are fruitfully engaged in nanotechnology. But it seems to them that all this hype not only helps, but also hinders.
22.10.2009Quirin Schirmayer, a columnist for Nature magazine, presented his vision of Russian investments in ambitious nanotechnology projects.
22.10.2009Compounds of the SkQ group are a promising tool for the treatment of aging, as well as age-dependent pathologies.
22.10.2009Hobbie-J rats with increased production of NR2B protein in the hippocampus as a result of genetic modification remember new objects three times longer than rats of the original (the smartest among rats) Long Evans line.
22.10.2009A mass spectrometer connected to an electroscalpel installed in the oncosurgeon's operating room will distinguish malignant tissues from healthy ones based on their molecular characteristics.
21.10.2009Pseudoscience has become a noticeable phenomenon in many countries of the world. In Russia in the 90s, about 200 different "academies" arose. And the main goal of many "academics" is to gut the pockets of our citizens.
21.10.2009Researchers working with human induced pluripotent stem cells need thorough multi-stage testing of their pluripotency.
21.10.2009Universal immunization of the population with cocktails of embryonic stem cells in the hope of preventing cancer is hardly a good idea.
20.10.2009Annual conference "Medicine and Business: a look into the future and factors of long-term success".
20.10.2009Predicting predisposition to diseases based on individual DNA characteristics will soon become a routine procedure. But the work of companies engaged in the analysis of personal genomes is not standardized enough and needs improvements.
19.10.2009People who switch from full-time employment to temporary or part-time work get sick less often and their overall well-being is better than people who immediately stopped working completely. Moreover, pensioners working in their specialty retain their intelligence longer.
19.10.2009The conversation that the Russian biotech needs resuscitation has been going on for about ten years. Biotechnologies are included in the list of priority areas for the development of science and technology. And the case is not moving from a dead point.
19.10.2009Strange as it may seem for "ordinary" people, scientists are judged not by the case, but by the "word", that is, by their articles. But how much effort is made by editors and reviewers of scientific papers so that the printed word can be believed!
16.10.2009The achievement awarded with the prize "for research on the structure and work of ribosomes" has played a significant role in the development of science; it also has practical applications — in particular, antibiotics that kill bacteria by turning off their ribosomes.
15.10.2009The difference in the speed of thinking due to the "correct" allele of the COMT gene is small. But the variants of this gene differ by only one nucleotide, and the molecules of the corresponding protein differ by one amino acid.
15.10.2009You can write to the editor at:
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