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Seminar "Genetics of life expectancy and aging": personal impressions
On March 25-26, 2008, the first All-Russian seminar "Genetics of life Expectancy and aging" was held at the Institute of Biology of the Komi National Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar).
02.04.2008The first hybrids of Britain
The first of the cybrids (cytoplasmic hybrids) created in Newcastle lived for three days, and the largest of them grew to 32 cells.
02.04.2008Pot by prescription
Surprisingly, more than half of the psychoactive substances contained in marijuana can be used for medical purposes.
02.04.2008Cancer starved to death
A hunger strike may allow you to increase the dose of the drug, and thereby the effect on tumor cells without increasing the effect of toxic effects on the body.
01.04.2008Vitamins: a complete collection of misconceptions
Spring is the right time to remember about vitamins. But not so much about what everyone already knows, but about a lot of myths that many people take for medical facts.
01.04.2008Away from the "big pharma"
We are implicitly given to understand that all efforts to create new original Russian drugs are generally meaningless, because everything is already there, everything is invented, everything can be bought on the world market.
31.03.2008The lame companion of geniuses: five questions about gout
Among talents, the prevalence of gout is 5-10%, which is 10 times higher than the average, and among geniuses it soars to 30-50%. In other words, every second genius was gouty!
31.03.2008Nanomachines will signal about single DNA molecules
An experimental biosensor can be compared to a mass of microscopic beacons that flash upon contact with a certain sequence of nucleotides. The sensitivity of the new sensor is millions of times higher than that of existing DNA detection methods.
31.03.2008Cancer doesn't have enough red wine
Scientists used resveratrol in a fairly high concentration - about 50 g per liter of nutrient fluid in which pancreatic cancer cells grew. In the wine obtained as a result of natural fermentation, the concentration of this substance reaches 30 g per liter.
28.03.2008From knee to brain: a journey through the human body
A museum in the form of a human body, CORPUS, has opened in Holland. Visitors are invited to enter the giant model through the knee, and exit through the brain.
28.03.2008A smart tablet controls not only itself, but also the patient
Each Raisin system tablet contains an indigestible sensor, which is a microchip the size of a grain of sand and a thin-film battery that activates upon contact with an aqueous medium after ingestion.
28.03.2008The triumph of computer methods: prediction of the structure of proteins
One of the research teams actively engaged in predicting the structure of proteins using computers is the Washington laboratory of David Baker.
27.03.2008Deposit or lose
The new model of circulation of scientific publications involves both independent depositing of articles by scientists in electronic archives, and the release of peer-reviewed journals that do not charge a subscription fee or for access to their archives.
26.03.2008Hydrogen sulfide for prolonging life: possible mechanism of action
Hydrogen sulfide, harmful in large quantities, in small doses can not only prolong life, but also save the body's resources and significantly reduce the need for food and oxygen.
26.03.2008State vitamin deficiency
For too long, the fact of technical backwardness, the wretchedness of hardware equipment, unprofitable volumes of unit capacity, etc., plus the notorious residual financing, was ignored. Ignoring these facts exacerbated the consequences – the collapse of domestic ascorbic acid production.
26.03.2008The country will be shod in nanos
Long before the appearance of Rosnanotech, which does not spare millions for the development of nanotechnology production, the director of a small knitting company "Mayor" Vladimir Rodionov conceived to produce socks with the addition of silver nanoparticles.