Russian pharmaceutical industry in 2006
The dynamics of ratings conducted according to the state statistical reports of about 90 enterprises of the Russian pharmaceutical industry is considered.
13.05.2008The dynamics of ratings conducted according to the state statistical reports of about 90 enterprises of the Russian pharmaceutical industry is considered.
13.05.2008The Seven Rules of doing business from Bernardo Provenzano, the "boss of bosses" of Cosa Nostra.
07.05.2008The Laboratory of Viral RNA Biochemistry at the Protein Institute is developing technologies for early cancer diagnosis based on the method of molecular cloning.
06.05.2008On April 29, the Institute of Modern Development held a press conference on the topic "Results of the International forum on global cooperation: Russia will become a technological leader among the BRIC countries."
05.05.2008The "senior investor", as Igor Yaminsky and his center are called by young innovators, came up with a spectacular name for the new company – LLC "Academy of Biosensors".
05.05.2008Investors unfamiliar with the field of scientific research carry insane risks and at the same time spend too much time and effort. That is why we need scientific expertise, we need business incubators that finance lawyers, managers and who are the link between scientific centers and large companies.
29.04.2008Cancer stem cells, vegetable fats and prostate cancer, lung cancer diagnosis by oral epithelium sample, once again about the connection between cancer and alcohol...
29.04.2008The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been working on membrane proteins since the mid-1970s. During the years of perestroika, most of the scientific groups actually broke up. And only in the laboratory of structural biology, the work related to membrane proteins, despite all the difficulties, continued.
16.04.2008Currently, the global pharmaceutical industry has reached a precedent level of changes. And the future belongs to those pharmaceutical companies that will learn to save money: first of all, the patient, and secondly, their own
15.04.2008We are implicitly given to understand that all efforts to create new original Russian drugs are generally meaningless, because everything is already there, everything is invented, everything can be bought on the world market.
31.03.2008For too long, the fact of technical backwardness, the wretchedness of hardware equipment, unprofitable volumes of unit capacity, etc., plus the notorious residual financing, was ignored. Ignoring these facts exacerbated the consequences – the collapse of domestic ascorbic acid production.
26.03.2008The creation of risk management systems that would allow them to be managed comprehensively and effectively is an urgent task in any field of entrepreneurship, regardless of the scope and specifics.
25.03.2008In the current situation in the pharmaceutical market, wholesalers have room for maneuver only in certain narrow niches of specialized supplies. Such until recently was the niche of biological products. Now a specialized distributor, Megard Group, is trying to keep it exclusively for itself
21.03.2008Today, 80% of vital antibiotics, insulins, cardiological, oncological drugs are imported into Russia from abroad. And even medicines produced domestically are made from Chinese and Indian substances.
18.03.2008The Board of Directors of JSC "Russian Venture Company" (RVC) approved the financing of the "seed" stages of Russian innovations.
13.03.2008The RVC Board of Directors also unanimously approved the development of the so-called "seed stage" of venture capital. Probably, 1 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget for this project.
11.03.2008Doctors are confident that Russian patients – both ordinary staff and superiors – will soon realize that it is much more profitable to monitor their health by undergoing medical examinations and doing prevention every year than paying for the treatment of a neglected disease.
29.02.2008Many of those who want to start their own business believe in a whole bunch of myths about business. The book "Illusions of Entrepreneurship: Myths that Entrepreneurs, Investors and politicians live by" destroys the most common of them.
22.02.2008Venture investors evaluate startups offered for investment on all these three components in order to get an impression of the startup's prospects and the ability of its team to achieve its stated goals.
22.02.2008Since I regularly encounter references to various stages of startup development in articles about startups, venture investments and venture investors, and I don't want to explain what I mean every time, I decided to present them in a separate article and provide them with a brief description.
22.02.2008You can write to the editor at:
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