Insomnia threatens Alzheimer's
Chronic sleep deficiency is associated with memory impairment and is accompanied by the accumulation of beta-amyloids in the brain.
14.01.2020Chronic sleep deficiency is associated with memory impairment and is accompanied by the accumulation of beta-amyloids in the brain.
14.01.2020A cross-check of genetic tests from the three largest laboratories in the United States showed that they analyzed only 36%, 66% and 69% of the genes.
14.01.2020A long-term clinical trial has confirmed the effectiveness of gene therapy for one of the varieties of this disease.
14.01.2020The material of the new bandage helps to stop bleeding and does not stick to the wound surface.
13.01.2020Increasing the number of neuronal stem cells in the brain improves the learning and memory of old mice.
13.01.2020In an experiment on mice, scientists tested a method to combat "boxer dementia".
13.01.2020A logic circuit based on 32 DNA chains was able to calculate the square root of 1, 4, 9, 16 – and so on up to 900.
13.01.2020Scientists tested the flu vaccine on mice as an additional antitumor therapy.
13.01.2020It remains to confirm the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine against Alzheimer's disease in humans.
13.01.2020After surgery to combat extreme obesity, 98.9% of patients stopped suffering from type 2 diabetes.
30.12.2019Regulators will start approving psilocybins and ecstasy as medicines, and research on the topic will expand.
27.12.2019According to new data, the trend towards increasing HIV infection is stable and does not depend on the infection control strategy.
27.12.2019Mobile genetic elements – transposons – provide the body with a fast and convenient mechanism for activating the stress response.
26.12.2019Researchers have discovered a mechanism that allows them to "jam" the genes embedded in the cell or, conversely, stimulate their activity.
26.12.2019Scientists have prevented the death of neurons in the retina of mice by ridding it of aged cells.
26.12.2019Clinical trials of organ transplants of "humanized" pigs on humans are planned in the next five years.
25.12.2019This conclusion was reached by MSU scientists together with colleagues from Harvard.
25.12.2019About 100 thousand years ago, erectus still lived in Java and could transmit their genes to modern man through a Denisovan.
25.12.2019The effect on the muscle that surrounds the hair follicles will help prevent hair loss.
25.12.2019Granulosa cells surrounding the egg can be turned into oocytes, which would significantly increase the chances of conception during IVF.
25.12.2019You can write to the editor at:
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