Paradoxical effect
Scientists transplanted bacteria from old mice to young ones and found that cells in their intestines and brains began to divide more actively.
15.11.2019Scientists transplanted bacteria from old mice to young ones and found that cells in their intestines and brains began to divide more actively.
15.11.2019Scientists have discovered a molecule whose blocking slows down the development of multiple sclerosis, a dangerous autoimmune disease.
15.11.2019Neutrophils increase the efficiency of drug delivery to malignant tumors by 30% using liposomes.
15.11.2019Aging dopamine neurons stop functioning and release signaling molecules that age neighboring cells.
14.11.2019The new vaccine against the dangerous and widespread Staphylococcus aureus has been tested on animals: it is effective in more than 80% of cases.
14.11.2019Some types of skin cancer begin to develop in the stem cells of the hair follicles, and not in the layers of the skin, as was previously believed.
14.11.2019Suppression of the formation of alpha-synuclein aggregates in the enteric nervous system can slow down the progression of the disease.
14.11.2019Scientists do not stop searching for new, more effective and safe methods of therapy for this disease.
14.11.2019Therapy based on suppression of regulatory receptors of immune cells should have a beneficial effect for the majority of HIV-infected people.
14.11.2019Raytheon Corporation announced the beginning of work on the creation of GM microbes capable of detecting the presence of explosives in the soil.
14.11.2019With an overall increase in life expectancy, people who have not received an education after graduation live longer with poor health.
13.11.2019Implants made of synthetic powders and ceramics based on calcium silicate are similar in structure and properties to natural bone.
13.11.2019The active ingredient of the contraceptive injection Depo-Provera effectively prevents the development of cervical cancer in mice.
13.11.2019Semi-liquid silicone electrodes can be injected into the body with a syringe, and they will freeze in place, bringing signals to the right neurons.
13.11.2019Ultrasound systems will allow you to visualize the localization of drugs in the body and direct them to the right place.
13.11.2019A method of transplantation of donor stem cells to recipient embryos for growing fully functional lungs in mice is described.
12.11.2019The new liver-on-a-chip system is able to determine the toxicity of drugs being developed for humans, rats and dogs.
12.11.2019Researchers from the USA used CRISPR as the basis for a biosensor that detects the presence of pathogenic viruses in the blood.
12.11.2019Scientists have found traces of social stratification of the UK population at the genetic level.
12.11.2019Adipsin protein produced by adipose tissue protects beta cells of the pancreas from destruction in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
12.11.2019You can write to the editor at:
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