Double diagnostics
Measurement of amyloid and tau proteins in blood and cerebrospinal fluid makes it possible to detect Alzheimer's disease at the earliest stages.
14.05.2019Measurement of amyloid and tau proteins in blood and cerebrospinal fluid makes it possible to detect Alzheimer's disease at the earliest stages.
14.05.2019What fateful combination of circumstances made Alzheimer's disease our enemy No. 1 and is it a disease in our usual understanding.
14.05.2019The lower jaw, found in Tibet at an altitude of 3280 meters, belonged to a Denisov man who lived here 160,000 years ago.
14.05.2019Any library can be preserved forever in a teaspoon of oligopeptide molecules consisting of different amounts of amino acids.
13.05.2019The behavior of the rodent subjects became more depressive after they were transplanted feces from rats with anxious behavior.
13.05.2019To kill bacteria in the blood, immune system cells use special molecules that create "bullet holes" in their targets.
13.05.2019A new approach to the prevention of cancer recurrence, tested on animals, was called lock'n'block (stop and block).
13.05.2019Genetically modified bacteriophages have been used for the first time to treat an antibiotic-resistant infection.
13.05.2019The peptide antibiotic found by Russian scientists has antibacterial, antifungal and antitumor effects.
13.05.2019After 30 years, a remedy for erectile dysfunction, created as a cure for a number of heart diseases, met the expectations of the creators.
13.05.2019Deterioration of the sense of smell may indicate dangerous age-related diseases and an increased risk of death.
30.04.2019Injections of cells that support the growth of blood vessels help restore the muscle mass of immobilized muscle cells.
30.04.2019Physicists plan to complete work on the modernization of the neutron source for boron-neutron capture therapy.
30.04.2019In an hour, more than half of the bacteria died on the surface covered with hexagonal boron nitride nanoparticles.
30.04.2019Controlled by a magnetic field, micro robots remove bacterial films not only from various surfaces, but also inside the dental canals.
29.04.2019A cancer cell can synthesize several different forms of Mcl-1, one of which blocks apoptosis, and the other, on the contrary, accelerates it.
29.04.2019The favorite hobby of American pensioners, home DNA tests, is the main driver of the revolution in criminology.
29.04.2019The first clinical trials of the colon cancer vaccine were successful. The recruitment of participants of the second phase will be held in the fall of 2019.
29.04.2019A live patch measuring about 40 mm and as thick as a sheet of cardboard can be tested on large animals.
29.04.2019Blood tests can now detect Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases in the early stages.
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