Vaccine with an additive
A standard influenza vaccine modified with cerium dioxide nanoparticles increases the body's immune response to influenza viruses several times.
06.06.2017A standard influenza vaccine modified with cerium dioxide nanoparticles increases the body's immune response to influenza viruses several times.
06.06.2017The device tested on lambs, despite its practical operability, cannot yet be used to save the lives of premature babies.
06.06.2017The automated system is able to predict 5-year survival with an accuracy of 69% in comparison with the forecast made by specialist doctors.
06.06.2017Tea reduces the likelihood of cancer and metabolic problems in women by changing the protein "packaging" of genes associated with these diseases, biologists have found.
05.06.2017Molecular "slingshots" made of Y-shaped antibodies and "rubber bands" made of synthetic DNA will be able to deliver drug molecules exactly to the target.
05.06.2017Named after the characters of the animated series of the same name, the microbe is synthesized during the growth of the muscles of embryos, and in the adult body – when they are damaged.
05.06.2017Exoskeletons are a very young technology. And its real heyday, as well as gaining sympathy among the population of Russia, belongs, rather, to tomorrow.
02.06.2017American scientists have for the first time investigated the role of cancer "roots" – cancer stem cells – in the development of primary tumors and metastases in colon and rectal cancer.
02.06.2017Perhaps the symptoms of the late stages of Alzheimer's disease are due not only to the presence of amyloid plaques, but also to the pathological activity of the immune system.
02.06.2017Scientists consider it premature to talk about the success of the trials, because the authors of the study did not have a control group to assess the placebo effect.
02.06.2017Circadian rhythms are closed to an external 24-hour day. The main signal for adjusting the rhythm is light, although there are other signals, for example, temperature.
01.06.2017Researchers have introduced analogs of logical elements OR-NOT into yeast genes, from which all other elements can be constructed to perform logical operations.
01.06.2017The new silicon nanoparticles can be used both to destroy tumors by heating to ultra-high temperatures, and to measure temperatures inside the body.
01.06.2017The authors of the new study stated that they were able to detect in rats the mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance of addiction to cocaine addiction.
01.06.2017The dental rinse developed by Russian scientists heals the composition of the microflora of the oral cavity and destroys up to 83% of soft plaque.
01.06.2017A microfluidic chip separates DNA fragments in a few minutes, unlike the widespread gel electrophoresis method, which requires several hours for this.
01.06.2017Methylene blue – an affordable, inexpensive and safe chemical – can slow down or even reverse the aging of human skin. Tested by electronics!
31.05.2017Mice with the JunB gene disabled did not develop autoimmune diseases associated with T-helper 17. At the same time, lymphocytes retained the ability to fight infections.
31.05.2017The ancient Egyptians were most closely associated with representatives of the Neolithic and Bronze Age of the Levant, as well as the Neolithic of modern Turkey and Europe.
31.05.2017The females of the genetically modified cabbage moth die before mating, and the males mate with wild-type females, spreading the lethal gene in the population.
31.05.2017You can write to the editor at:
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