A "patch" of stem cells restores menisci
The results of the clinical study demonstrate an alternative to the removal of the injured meniscus, which ensures the restoration of the functions of the knee joint.
20.12.2016The results of the clinical study demonstrate an alternative to the removal of the injured meniscus, which ensures the restoration of the functions of the knee joint.
20.12.2016The discovery of the possibility to block the pathological activation of NADPH oxidase can theoretically form the basis for the creation of new means to combat such diseases.
19.12.2016Great apes have 2 more chromosomes than we do. How did it happen that during the evolution of humans, chromosomes were lost? Is something like this happening now?
19.12.2016Scientists from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Texas at Austin conducted the largest study of age-related changes in the white matter of the brain.
19.12.2016Periodic inclusion of "Yamanaka genes" in the whole body improved the condition of ordinary elderly mice, and extended the life of mice with progeria by 30%.
16.12.2016Changes at the molecular level often occur even before the first symptoms of the disease appear. This can be used for both early and preventive diagnostics.
16.12.2016Scientists from the USA and France studied gene expression as clones develop and found out why most cloned embryos die in the early stages of development.
16.12.2016Epidemiologist Nick Warham – on the connection between diabetes and obesity, the study of the genetic causes of these diseases and the development of personalized treatment.
16.12.2016Human embryonic stem cells from a culture rejuvenated with the help of a chemical "cocktail" are much more successfully transformed into tissues suitable for transplantation.
15.12.2016Technologies for restoring the connections between the brain and the nerve nodes of the limbs of the body that have been severed as a result of injury or illness are getting closer to reality.
15.12.2016The authors of the new work have created a platform for drug delivery based on a double emulsion of water-in-oil-in-water using safe surfactants and sesame oil.
15.12.2016New data on the expression of genes with the yellow mutation, which reduces leptin synthesis, in the future may help in the search for a way to treat obesity in people with such a mutation.
15.12.2016An international team of scientists has shown that a protein from the class of Nod-like receptors is able to suppress the development of colon and rectal cancer in mice.
15.12.2016British researchers, analyzing the evolution of the baculum – the penis bone – in mammals, showed that its length is determined by the level of competition between males.
14.12.2016An Argentine team on cloned horses won a prestigious polo match. The cloning was led by Katrin Hinrichs, a veterinarian from Texas A&M University.
14.12.2016Specialists from Western Ontario University have improved the gene editing technology by adding a modified I-Tevl enzyme to the CRISPR-Cas9 system.
14.12.2016American scientists have achieved the restoration of brain tissue after a stroke of white matter in mice by stimulating the myelination of damaged neurons.
14.12.2016A group of doctors from the National Cancer Institute reported that their new treatment method was able to get rid of colon cancer in the first patient.
14.12.2016A group of researchers from Stanford University has learned to control the behavior of animals using an electro-optical device implanted in the brain.
14.12.2016Thousands of doctors and researchers dealing with genetic diseases around the world use the Face2Gene computer program for preliminary diagnosis.
12.12.2016You can write to the editor at:
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