Double-bottom DNA
Physicists have confirmed the long-standing hypothesis that there is a "second layer of information" in the genetic code: the mechanical properties of DNA determine how the sequence of nucleotides will be read.
14.06.2016Physicists have confirmed the long-standing hypothesis that there is a "second layer of information" in the genetic code: the mechanical properties of DNA determine how the sequence of nucleotides will be read.
14.06.2016The increase in life expectancy that has occurred over the past 20 years has been accompanied by an even more pronounced increase in healthy life expectancy.
10.06.2016New immunopreparations in combination with traditional chemotherapy increase the survival rate of patients with late stages of poorly treatable tumors of various localization.
10.06.2016Russian scientists have proved that stem cells obtained from ordinary cells of the body by reprogramming almost do not differ from the reference ones.
10.06.2016A group of scientists has proposed a new method for solving one of the problems of gene therapy – how to ensure that the main part of the work of the organ is performed by genetically modified cells.
10.06.2016Magnetic anal sphincters were implanted in American patients for the first time. Four people with chronic fecal incontinence received the devices.
09.06.2016Gene editing technology has not only huge potential, but also carries huge risks.
09.06.2016Scientists have managed to dramatically reduce the number of "sick" mitochondria transferred together with the egg nucleus, as well as to increase the survival rate of embryos by more than 2 times.
09.06.2016The law "On Biomedical Cell Products" will create a new kind of medical industry aimed at restoring the structures and functions of human tissues and organs.
09.06.2016With the help of DNA, you can pack billions of gigabytes in the volume of a sugar cube. Magnetic tapes, the densest of modern data storage environments, hold 10 gigabytes in the same volume.
09.06.2016Microbes are present in the blood of healthy people and patients with various diseases. In schizophrenia, the microbial composition of the blood is highly diverse.
09.06.2016Genetic differences can partially predict a person's life success, although, of course, many other factors have an impact on the life path of an individual.
09.06.2016American scientists have found out the molecular mechanism of aging of human eggs. It turned out to be associated with hypoxia of the surrounding tissues.
08.06.2016The technique of growing chickens in plastic cups was developed by Professors Yutaka Takhara and Katsuya Obara. The same scientists took part in a school experiment, monitoring the actions of students.
08.06.2016555 days after his discharge from the clinic, 25-year-old Stan Larkin exchanged a fully artificial heart worn in a backpack for a donor organ.
07.06.2016American scientists have managed to restore intraocular pressure in mice with glaucoma by stem cell transplantation.
07.06.2016A portable artificial kidney designed to be worn on the patient's body is a viable and much more comfortable alternative to the traditional hemodialysis procedure.
07.06.2016Despite the fact that patients with cardiovascular diseases are characterized by short telomeres, their length is not a prognostic risk factor for the development of such diseases.
06.06.2016American scientists have developed a wearable device for monitoring the condition of patients with asthma, its connection with environmental factors and the risk of developing an attack.
06.06.2016Konstantin Severinov – about a new type of CRISPR systems and the latest trends in genome editing.
06.06.2016You can write to the editor at:
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