Cholesterol Debate: Past, Present and Future (1)
The theory that high cholesterol is the main risk factor for heart attacks and strokes has been the subject of scientific debate for several decades.
31.01.2012The theory that high cholesterol is the main risk factor for heart attacks and strokes has been the subject of scientific debate for several decades.
31.01.2012Free radicals, which are one of the causes of aging and cancer development, play a positive role in the regulation of blood pressure.
30.01.2012The opinion that if a person in the family has a "gene predisposition to Alzheimer's disease", he will also necessarily get sick is nothing more than a myth. In fact, such a connection is detected only in 1% of cases.
30.01.2012Self-testing for human papillomavirus, which is the cause of cervical cancer in more than 90% of cases, can become the main method of screening women regardless of the availability of medical monitoring programs.
27.01.2012The results of testing on dogs indicate that a new method of gene therapy for retinal pigment degeneration in the near future may solve the problem of one of the main causes of blindness.
27.01.2012Scientists have obtained neurons with Alzheimer's syndrome from skin cells of people suffering from this disease.
27.01.2012After a decade of waiting, the first results of trials involving embryonic stem cells have finally been published in a medical publication.
26.01.2012Scientists have been able to use stem cells to increase the effectiveness of treatment of Peyronie's disease, characterized by curvature of the penis and erectile dysfunction.
26.01.2012Daily intake of resveratrol for a month improves tissue sensitivity to insulin and reduces the spike in blood glucose after meals.
26.01.2012The main rules for prolonging youth with alcohol: take a little, but regularly, start from the first days of life, do not snack and ... be born a worm.
24.01.2012Intellectual abilities are at least 75% inherited. Dieter Zimmer, a well-known scientific journalist and long-time editor of the culture department of the newspaper Die Zeit, comes to this conclusion in his new book.
24.01.2012Perhaps in the near future in the arsenal of veterinarians, and subsequently doctors, there will be a means to minimize the consequences of spinal cord injury.
23.01.2012A mathematical model of the relationship between certain gene variants and life expectancy makes it possible to determine whether the "owner" of a given genome will be able to celebrate the centenary, with a probability of 60 to 85%.
23.01.2012"Kartistem" – a drug from cord blood stem cells – promotes the regeneration of cartilage tissue and is used for various diseases of the knee joints, in particular, deforming osteoarthritis.
23.01.2012There are cases when women develop allergic reactions to their partner's sperm. Perhaps this unpleasant phenomenon will help in the creation of a new means of contraception.
20.01.2012A bacterium capable of efficiently processing brown algae into biofuel – ethanol has been created. Some scientists have already called this work an engineering feat.
20.01.2012Bioengineers from the University of Central Florida have managed to turn stem cells from the umbilical cord into oligodendrocytes engaged in axon myelination, that is, isolating nerves in the brain and spinal cord.
20.01.2012Metformin, one of the most well–known antidiabetic drugs, almost halves the likelihood of getting cancer by slowing down the synthesis of free radicals in mitochondria.
19.01.2012The National Plan to Defeat Alzheimer's disease by 2025 provides for both medical and social aspects of the fight against senile dementia.
19.01.2012The rate of decline in the intellectual abilities of people in old age by 24% is due to many small differences in the genome.
19.01.2012You can write to the editor at:
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