The bioprinter created a functioning piece of heart muscle
According to scientists, the first "marketable" fabrics from the printer will appear on the market in the very next few years.
25.03.2008According to scientists, the first "marketable" fabrics from the printer will appear on the market in the very next few years.
25.03.2008The results achieved to date allow us to talk about a real sensation and a breakthrough in the prevention and treatment of arthritis of the joints, especially the knees.
24.03.2008The legalization of organ trafficking also threatens serious problems that exist today on the black market: paid donors are primarily representatives of social groups who do not have access to quality medicine and may be carriers of dangerous infections.
21.03.2008The Berley variety, namely, it was modified by agronomists, refers to "light", used exclusively for cigarettes. The interest in it is easily explained: more than 75% of all Burley plantations are located in the states of North Carolina and Kentucky, whose scientists formed a creative alliance together with specialists from the "multinational" Philip Morris, which paid for the research.
19.03.2008The initiators of the signature collection campaign aimed to achieve the inclusion of a highly aggressive form of breast cancer (with hyperexpression by HER-2 factor) in the federal program "Seven Nosologies".
18.03.2008According to experts, the new research method – single–molecular spectroscopy - promises unprecedented prospects for studying processes at the level of individual molecules, including in a living cell.
18.03.2008Another 25 genes that affect life expectancy, a neurophysiological mechanism for assessing financial and other risks, a method for assessing the state of mitochondria in vivo and other life sciences news in general and about human life in particular.
17.03.2008The proposed method combines the effectiveness of injection and the painlessness of the patch. Hundreds of microscopic polymer needles after injection into the skin quickly dissolve, and the drug contained in them diffuses into the skin.
17.03.2008How and what scientists who receive GM organisms do is a mystery that is shrouded in darkness for most people. Using this, the science of "genetic engineering", as well as the science of "ecology" or "theory of evolution", was politicized.
14.03.2008In the medical community, personalized medicine is considered either as a fundamentally new approach to medical practice, or as a continuation of the traditional principle of "treating not the disease, but the patient."
14.03.2008With the spread of HIV resistance to antiretroviral drugs, immunosuppressive therapy may be the only tool in the fight against AIDS.
14.03.2008Scientists were able to stop the spread of breast cancer metastases and even return cancer cells to their original appearance by "turning off" the gene of one of the nuclear proteins.
13.03.2008Scientists have found strong evidence against the "grandmother hypothesis", which explains why women continue to live after menopause. The "hypothesis of motherhood", which explains both long life and menopause itself, received support.
13.03.2008A number of ministers intend to support amendments to the bill that will allow the use of artificially created gametes - sperm and egg - to induce pregnancy by in vitro fertilization
13.03.2008Scientists and doctors pin high hopes on hypothetical (so far) nanorobots. But one of the key issues here is the management of such tiny molecular machines. Simply put, nanorobots need "nanobrains".
13.03.2008The ark will store DNA, embryos and everything necessary for life and civilization; these resources will be used if the Earth is devastated by a collision with a giant asteroid, a sudden climate change or a nuclear catastrophe.
12.03.2008Is it possible to turn nanotechnology into nanotechnology – a science and a field of knowledge with clearly defined goals and the subject of research?
12.03.2008Modern drugs for the treatment of oncological diseases have fundamental differences from those that appeared on the market in the 1970s.
12.03.2008Differences between people in the degree of "trustfulness" and "gratitude" are at least 10-20% genetically predetermined.
11.03.2008Other discoveries are waiting for us in the near future. We will gradually write down the responsibility of each gene, and 150 years of life will become something natural and normal. This will happen much sooner than many people think. We'll have time to see it.
06.03.2008You can write to the editor at:
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