Helping tired lymphocytes
Vaccination against certain cancer proteins can enhance the T-cell response and reduce tumor volume in mice.
20.09.2021Vaccination against certain cancer proteins can enhance the T-cell response and reduce tumor volume in mice.
20.09.2021DNA traces at the crime scene do not necessarily indicate that the suspect was really here.
17.09.2021At the end of 2021, doctors will evaluate the effectiveness of different dosages of the drug based on CRISPR/Cas on three groups of HIV-infected volunteers.
17.09.2021Nanoparticles created from the cowpea mosaic virus prevent the development of metastases in breast tumors and melanoma.
17.09.2021Scientists at the University of California at Riverside intend to turn edible plants into factories for the production of mRNA vaccines.
17.09.2021A hydrogel simulating the intercellular environment allowed to grow an organoid model of pancreatic cancer.
16.09.2021American scientists have successfully tested a prototype of an implantable artificial kidney that does not require immunosuppressants or anticoagulants.
16.09.2021Scientists have revealed new details about the mechanism linking the virus with the irreversible death of neurons.
16.09.2021Canadian transplant specialists suggested storing donor lungs at a temperature of 10 °C, rather than according to the standard protocol at 4 degrees.
16.09.2021It is important that scientists acted on the body of nematodes at the very end of their life, when a significant part of the population has already died.
15.09.2021Reducing natural errors in protein synthesis improves health and increases life expectancy.
15.09.2021Hyperbaric oxygenation can be used in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease or at the first signs of memory impairment.
15.09.2021A new gene delivery vehicle or CRISPR-Cas9 system can make gene therapy for muscle diseases safer and more effective.
14.09.2021The new polymer composite based on polylactide takes the old form at 45 ° C, which is acceptable for short-term exposure.
14.09.2021The SpheroidPicker robotic system uses artificial intelligence to create spheroids of a given size from cancer cells.
13.09.2021For cloning a "beautiful" camel, rich clients are willing to pay from 200 to 400 thousand dirhams (from 4 to 8 million rubles).
13.09.2021Classics of gerontology and Nobel laureates will solve the problem: how to turn back the age of individual cells without harming the health of their host.
13.09.2021One of the sequences of "junk" DNA actually has a certain function – it enhances the activity of the telomerase gene.
13.09.2021British and Dutch researchers have found that the antioxidant cysteamine reduces atherosclerotic plaques.
13.09.2021Double macro capsules with beta cells continuously regulate the level of glucose in the blood.
10.09.2021You can write to the editor at:
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