A drop in the sea of threats
In a recently published fundamental review, a team of Russian scientists described and summarized methods for diagnosing viral infections.
27.03.2020In a recently published fundamental review, a team of Russian scientists described and summarized methods for diagnosing viral infections.
27.03.2020Every time humanity faces a new infection, three races start simultaneously: for a medicine, a test system and a vaccine.
27.03.2020A few years after the appearance of the first antisense drug, about a hundred more are at different stages of development.
26.03.2020In the future, a simple and inexpensive technology for the production of synthetic antibodies can be automated.
26.03.2020Cardiologist Yaroslav Ashikhmin – about hypertension, modern therapy and blood pressure.
26.03.2020Although females in most cases live longer than males, they do not age more slowly in all species.
26.03.2020The main task of doctors in the fight against prostate cancer is to distinguish aggressive tumors from those that do not require intensive treatment.
26.03.2020Graphite nanoplates on the surface of medical instruments and implants destroy 99.99% of bacteria without harming the patient's cells.
25.03.2020Scientists have discovered the mechanism of epigenetic influence of chronic stress through extracellular vesicles on sperm and embryo development.
25.03.2020Scientists have reprogrammed the cells of a 114-year-old woman in IPSC and plan to compare them with analogues of people of a different age.
25.03.2020Graphene-based biosensors are capable of detecting ultra-low concentrations of cancer cell DNA molecules in the patient's blood.
25.03.2020Felix, an American biotech startup, believes that it has found a way to contain the spread of resistant bacterial infections.
25.03.2020Scientists from the University of Sydney in experiments on mice have shown that fasting can be more useful for the female body.
25.03.2020Russian scientists together with foreign colleagues have developed a fluorescent probe for detecting ultra-low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.
24.03.2020Mineral deposits that cause age-related macular degeneration can accumulate with the participation of calcium-binding protein.
24.03.2020To prevent the immune system from starting unnecessary inflammation, dying cells send messages to the immune system that they are dying according to the rules.
24.03.2020Nanoparticles selectively destroy cancer cells by blocking the lysosomal waste disposal system.
23.03.2020About xenobiology, xenomorphs and many other things that modern biologists do.
23.03.2020Scientists have described changes in the structures of the actin cytoskeleton and intercellular contacts that allow cells to break ties with each other.
23.03.2020The combination of an antimalarial drug with an antibiotic has shown good results – however, in a small pilot study.
23.03.2020You can write to the editor at:
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