How Big Data is Changing Biology
A huge number of biological questions can be answered only by performing calculations on a computer.
04.12.2019A huge number of biological questions can be answered only by performing calculations on a computer.
04.12.2019The largest virus library has been created, which will help target therapeutic viruses to a specific type of tissue and increase their viability.
03.12.2019The issue of the possibility of editing the human genome has become the main issue on the scientific agenda of the IV National Congress on Regenerative Medicine.
03.12.2019Widely used clinical indicators of immune status and inflammation can be considered as indicators of resilience.
03.12.2019For patients over 90 years of age, surgery may be the optimal treatment strategy.
03.12.2019The Stanford professor has been tracking thousands of indicators of his body for five years. That's what he found out.
03.12.2019The protein that controls the self-renewal of blood stem cells will help make the treatment of leukemia and other blood diseases more effective and safer.
02.12.2019The study of the genes of fruit flies can give a hint on how to cope with human mitochondrial diseases.
02.12.2019The researchers managed to create a very plausible and maximally similar in human manifestations model of Angelman's disease.
02.12.2019Geneticist Evgeny Rogaev – about the causes of aging, the influence of genes on life expectancy and metabolic processes in animals.
02.12.2019We offer you to familiarize yourself with the three most well-known theories about the causes of brain aging.
02.12.2019Stem cells will be delivered to the tumor capsules with an anti-cancer drug, which will be released under the influence of a laser.
02.12.2019A method of creating personalized vaccines that can delay the development of pancreatic cancer.
The minimum dose of hydromethylthionine is sufficient to slow down the development of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease.
29.11.2019The Prostate Urine Risk (PUR) test is designed to detect prostate cancer by a simple urine analysis collected at home.
29.11.2019According to the scientists' plans, the revolutionary test, which is 93% effective, may be available to patients by 2022.
29.11.2019The shortening of telomeres is responsible for the changes that occur in cells during the development of the disease, and not the fact of the mutation itself.
29.11.2019Do you hear the words "vaccines contain cancer genes"? Feel your pockets and try not to turn your back to the speakers.
29.11.2019Researchers from the Swedish Center for Paleogenetics and NEFU study the remains of a puppy aged 18 thousand years.
29.11.2019One of the possible strategies to combat recurrent drying and wrinkling of the skin may be the addition of taurine from the outside.
28.11.2019You can write to the editor at:
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