Twin cells
A group of researchers from Kyoto University has developed a completely accurate method for studying gene polymorphism.
07.03.2018A group of researchers from Kyoto University has developed a completely accurate method for studying gene polymorphism.
07.03.2018Some strains of pneumococcus in U.S. hospitals have become invulnerable to colistin, one of the "antibiotics of last resort."
07.03.2018Scientists have figured out the mechanism of occurrence of Barrett's syndrome – a precancerous condition at the junction of the esophagus and stomach.
07.03.2018American researchers are testing compounds that can help obese and unable to move people.
07.03.2018The genes of synesthetes were compared with the genes of their relatives who "do not see" sounds, and people who are not related to this study – the control group.
07.03.2018A low-calorie diet helps to preserve intestinal stem cells and activate them to regenerate damaged tissue.
06.03.2018Programmers and neuroscientists are developing computer systems that can replace psychostimulating drugs.
06.03.2018A method to stop the self-destruction program in human cells will help in the creation of cancer drugs.
06.03.2018Experiments on rodents demonstrated the plasticity of the brain, allowing sensory neurons to "teach" the activity of motor neurons.
06.03.2018On the cell culture obtained from a woman with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it will be possible to study this pathology.
05.03.2018An increase in wages by only $ 1 per hour led to a reduction in absences due to illness by a third.
05.03.2018It is customary to talk about two types of diabetes mellitus. But experts believe that in reality there may be much more.
05.03.2018Reducing the activity of RNA molecules made it possible to cure lung cancer in mice. And this is only part of the results obtained in the course of a large study.
05.03.2018A new target for immunotherapy of glioblastoma, a brain tumor with the lowest survival rate, has been described.
05.03.2018The growing volume of digital information encourages scientists to look for more compact ways to record and store it. And what could be more compact than DNA?
02.03.2018On February 28, Microsoft announced the opening of access to the Microsoft Genomics service, which was the result of Microsoft's work in this important area.
02.03.2018Our older women are constantly compared with European women. They say that those in the West grow old beautiful and fit, but ours are all horror and darkness.
02.03.2018Geneticists have "grown" a record-breaking large family tree, uniting approximately 13 million inhabitants of different continents.
02.03.2018People with advanced retinopathy are more prone to memory loss and dementia than those whose eyes were completely healthy.
02.03.2018One of the skin bacteria, S.epidermidis, synthesizes a substance that protects against the development of skin cancer.
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