CRISPR-Cas in pictures
In less than 30 years, CRISPR-Cas has evolved from a "strange sequence of unknown biological purpose" into a promising genomic editing tool.
28.11.2016In less than 30 years, CRISPR-Cas has evolved from a "strange sequence of unknown biological purpose" into a promising genomic editing tool.
28.11.2016Cannabinoid receptors in the brain can be used to combat chronic pain syndromes without the risk of developing undesirable effects.
28.11.2016Canadian researchers in a specially equipped laboratory have shown that most winter boots are not suitable for walking on ice.
28.11.2016A genetic chain embedded in human cells synthesizes molecules that suppress the ability of tumors to survive and grow in a microenvironment with a low content of oxygen and nutrients.
28.11.2016American scientists using the method of directed evolution have developed a technology that allows bacteria to synthesize organic silicon-carbon bonds.
25.11.2016Some experts opposed the opinion of the authors, pointing out that the recommendations for admission are based on scientific data, others called the lack of vitamin D a pseudo-disease.
25.11.2016A new flexible microfluidic sensor measures the content of various compounds in sweat during exercise for several hours.
25.11.2016Genome sequencing will be performed twice: after diagnosis and after cancer cells stop responding to previously effective drugs.
25.11.2016Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh are preparing for eye transplant operations – such a transplant can be carried out within the next ten years.
25.11.2016Scientists from the Israel Institute of Technology have identified biochemical pathways through the suppression of which it is possible to destroy B-lymphocytes that have become malignant.
24.11.2016An international group of scientists has developed a method that allows you to grow cereals that purify territories from contamination by ammunition.
24.11.2016Physicists from Moscow State University and colleagues from the University of Washington have come up with a new way to remotely destroy tumors inside the human body using tiny bubbles.
24.11.2016The new data refute the theory of the rejuvenating effect of young blood, at the same time indicating that old blood stimulates the aging process.
24.11.2016The new test quickly evaluates thousands of medicines and determines how effective they will be against various types of resistant bacteria.
23.11.2016This is the name of the lecture hall dedicated to the court session in the case of homeopaths against the magazine "Around the World". The event will be held on November 30 at the ZIL Cultural Center.
23.11.2016Designing children, an end to diseases and aging – what used to be a fantasy is becoming a reality. The only thing we know for sure is that everything will change irreversibly.
23.11.2016Type 2 diabetes is a known risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. But in diabetic men, Viagra reduces the risk of developing a heart attack and increases the chances of survival if a heart attack does happen.
23.11.2016Biologist Evgeny Kunin – about the survival strategies of viruses, the dependence of the paths of evolution on DNA and the endless arms race of organisms.
23.11.2016In order to determine whether a person will develop Alzheimer's disease decades before the first symptoms appear, a simple retinal examination can be performed.
23.11.2016Despite a very strong increase in human life expectancy as a whole, the life expectancy of men still remains lower than that of women.
23.11.2016You can write to the editor at:
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