A new method of terraforming
Microbiologist Gary King believes that the astronaut's corpse is an ideal container for delivering bacteria and a basic set of organic matter to distant planets.
01.11.2016Microbiologist Gary King believes that the astronaut's corpse is an ideal container for delivering bacteria and a basic set of organic matter to distant planets.
01.11.2016Life expectancy differs not only for different species, in some cases it varies within the species under the influence of external and genetic factors.
31.10.2016The aging process has long remained a mystery, since the evolution of a trait that does not bring obvious advantages to an individual is difficult to explain.
31.10.2016Scientists used the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system to find mutations that make human immune cells resistant to HIV infection.
31.10.2016Mice that were cleaned of old cells were 60% less likely to have atherosclerotic plaques, since they are rich in aged cells.
31.10.2016The "personalized nutrition" program from Habit aims to analyze a person's DNA and create an individual nutrition plan and food delivery at home.
31.10.2016Despite the almost 100% effectiveness of the new hormonal male contraceptive, it needs to be improved due to frequent and serious side effects.
31.10.2016Taiwanese scientists have developed a universal platform for creating complex three-dimensional hydrogel structures functionally similar to biological structures.
28.10.2016The smallpox vaccine virus has saved humanity from smallpox, but it is too early for him to "retire": scientists have high hopes for him in the field of cancer treatment.
28.10.2016Researchers have suggested that glutathione can be used not only to prevent aging, but also to neutralize the side effects of a number of drugs.
28.10.2016The First International Symposium "Engineering and Physical Technologies for Biomedicine" has ended at the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".
28.10.2016proCover is a prototype of a smart sock that can detect pressure in different areas of the prosthetic foot and transmit this information to the user using vibration.
28.10.2016Population ageing is a problem affecting economies with a combined share of 78% of world GDP (64% of GDP at purchasing power parity).
27.10.2016Physiologist Vyacheslav Dubynin – about soft psychomotor stimulants, a reasonable amount of caffeine and adenosine receptors.
27.10.2016We are talking about a genetically modified variety of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which are carriers of dangerous Zika, dengue and chikungunya viruses.
27.10.2016American scientists have developed a method of genetic correction based on peptidonucleic acids, which effectively eliminated the symptoms of beta-thalassemia in mice.
27.10.2016In this article we will talk about one of the severe hereditary diseases – the syndrome of the brittle X chromosome - and about the difficulties of studying it.
26.10.2016Trapping nets, which make neutrophil immune cells from their DNA, help metastatic tumor cells penetrate into healthy tissues.
26.10.2016Australian scientists have for the first time shown a link between adaptation to power loads and brain functioning in people over 55 years of age with symptoms of mild cognitive impairment.
26.10.2016The use of computer models in combination with genetic data allowed us to find out new details of the relationship of various representatives of the genus Homo.
26.10.2016You can write to the editor at:
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