MAO-A enzyme and prostate cancer
It was found that with an increase in the activity of the MAO-A enzyme, the likelihood of prostate cancer and the appearance of its metastases sharply increases.
27.08.2014It was found that with an increase in the activity of the MAO-A enzyme, the likelihood of prostate cancer and the appearance of its metastases sharply increases.
27.08.2014According to scientists from the University of Edinburgh, Crohn's disease is associated with epigenetic disorders of certain parts of certain genes, which are caused by exposure to environmental factors or even a certain diet.
27.08.2014The preclinical stage of drug development can be shortened by several years if a new discovery is evaluated for several indications and the number of duplicate studies at the early stages of the search for new treatments is reduced.
27.08.2014The presence of conditionally pathogenic bacteria of the genus Clostridia in the intestinal microflora protects against food allergies, which makes possible probiotic prevention of acute allergic reactions to food.
26.08.2014Spanish biologists have discovered several variants of the APOB gene that help a person live up to a hundred years or more. The work of this gene is associated with lipid metabolism, and due to its special variant, little "bad" cholesterol is formed in the body.
26.08.2014In order for yeast to produce opioids, scientists added five genes to their genome: three from the genome of the poppy, and two more from bacteria that live on poppy plantations.
26.08.2014The world places great hopes on stem cells, expecting that they will revolutionize medicine. But to use their potential, you need to understand how their development is regulated. New ideas are put forward by scientists from the University of Southern Denmark.
26.08.2014Stanford specialists have developed an implantable sensor device that allows glaucoma patients to independently measure intraocular pressure, a sharp increase in which with this disease can lead to vision loss.
26.08.2014Russian scientists have come up with the Oncofinder system, which can select a drug for the treatment of a specific tumor, as well as be used to search for new drugs in the treatment of cancer. The team was supported by investors.
26.08.2014Auxilium Pharmaceuticals has announced the successful results of the second phase of CI of a drug intended for the treatment of penis curvature and Dupuytren contracture, as a means of relieving cellulite manifestations.
25.08.2014Normally, there should be no more than 3-5 generics of one drug, and all of them are carefully tested. However, research takes a lot of time and money. And "under-researched" generics are not always happy with the results.
25.08.2014For the first time, Scottish scientists have grown a fully functioning organ from cells – the thymus, or thymus gland, the most important organ of the immune system.
25.08.2014The company "GemaKor Labs", a resident of the biomedical technologies cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation, is working on the second generation of the blood clotting test – "Thrombodynamics-4D".
25.08.2014Scientists from the UK and Spain have studied the relationship between immunity and aging processes, and have also developed special drugs to slow down the aging of cells of the immune system.
25.08.2014It is very rare that there are days when there is not a single report about a study on Alzheimer's disease in medical news feeds. However, at what stage of development is this research area?
22.08.2014The number of "suicide tourists" coming to Switzerland for the purpose of euthanasia doubled in four years, from 2009 to 2012. Such data are given in a scientific paper devoted to the study of the phenomenon of "suicide tourism".
22.08.2014A study by American scientists has shown that a violation of the conduction of nerve impulses in the stomach area can significantly slow down the growth of neoplasms in the organ.
22.08.2014American experts have called on the medical community to stop spending money on clinical studies of practices that, in their opinion, are extremely questionable from a scientific point of view, such as homeopathy and reiki (treatment by laying on of hands).
22.08.2014RBC Media Holding invites you and your colleagues to take part in the conference "Pharmaceutical business in Russia: Development strategies in an era of change", which will be held on September 24, 2014 at the Marriott Grand Hotel.
21.08.2014American scientists have explained why older people suffer from insomnia and often wake up ahead of time. Brain magazine reports on a group of inhibitory neurons, the deficiency of which leads to sleep disorders in the elderly.
21.08.2014You can write to the editor at:
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