Upgrade of the immune system
Nanoparticles have been developed that act as enzymes, increasing oxidative stress in the tumor and making it accessible to the immune system.
29.10.2019Nanoparticles have been developed that act as enzymes, increasing oxidative stress in the tumor and making it accessible to the immune system.
29.10.2019A group of scientists from China and the United States has developed a micromotor that can move cells or molecules without damaging them.
28.10.2019Just two injections of nanocapsules are enough to significantly reduce inflammation when eating gluten.
24.10.2019Researchers from ITEB RAS have discovered a new property of fullerene derivatives C60, which will help in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
21.10.2019Scientists have found another way to fight resistant bacteria – using nanocapsules with curcumin.
21.10.2019Scientists from Australia and Japan have developed a mesh of nanofibers for the delivery of two antibacterial drugs in the treatment of wounds.
18.10.2019A new material for implants that prevents the development of bacterial infection after surgery.
07.10.2019Organometallic frameworks can work as a delivery system for drugs insoluble in water and biological fluids.
07.10.2019Using special ink and an aerosol printer will allow you to create electronic tattoos in just one step.
07.10.2019An injectable multicomponent implant of prolonged action provides HIV prevention and treatment.
23.09.2019Chinese scientists claim to have discovered a material capable of restoring damaged tooth enamel once and for all.
23.09.2019Protein-based hydrogel can live in the body for more than two weeks and is able to provide a steady release of drugs.
19.09.2019A very durable and elastic biodegradable material has been obtained from nanocellulose and spider web protein, which can replace many plastics.
17.09.2019A simple and sensitive color urine test determines the presence of colon cancer in mice.
04.09.2019The "patch vaccination" turned out to be 9 times more effective than intramuscular injection and 160 times more effective than subcutaneous injection.
02.09.2019Scientists have confirmed the role of one of the key factors of chronic inflammation in the vascular endothelium and developed a method of influencing it.
02.09.2019The peptide hydrogel helps brain neurons recover from traumatic brain injury.
28.08.2019A new type of "packaging" for tuberculosis vaccines will allow them to be kept warm for almost unlimited time.
27.08.2019Perhaps soon oncological diseases will be treated with the help of micro robots activated by laser pulses.
26.07.2019Tablets printed on a 3D printer determine the species diversity of bacteria in each department of the gastrointestinal tract.
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