03 April 2013

Indicator of inflammation – "smart bandage"

A luminous bandage will warn about infection of the wound

Copper newsScientists from the UK have created a bandage that begins to glow when a burn is infected with pathogenic microorganisms, Medgadget reports (Smart Wound Dressing Glows in the Presence of Unwanted Bacteria).

The bandage is designed for early detection of infection in burns in children with weakened immunity.

As a result of infection of a burn wound with pathogenic microorganisms, an infectious-toxic shock may occur – a condition characterized by an increase in temperature, a decrease in pressure and confusion. Especially children under four years old whose immune system has not been fully formed are susceptible to this condition. The condition of a child who has developed an infectious-toxic shock can deteriorate dramatically within a few hours, a fatal outcome is possible.

To help doctors detect infection of the burn with pathogenic bacteria in time, scientists from the University of Bath, together with doctors from the children's burn center in Bristol, have developed a bandage with nanoparticles inside which there is a fluorescent substance.

When bacteria enter the wound, the nanocapsules are destroyed, releasing particles of the "paint" contained in them. The substance fluoresces in ultraviolet light, signaling infection of the burn (right). In the presence of non-pathogenic bacteria, the nanocapsules remain intact and do not release "paint" particles (left).

The authors of the work successfully tested the bandage in laboratory conditions on skin samples. Now the researchers plan to start clinical trials and test the safety of the bandage on healthy volunteers, and in the future – on patients with burns.

"Every year about five thousand children are admitted to hospitals in England and Wales with serious burns, mainly caused by hot tea or coffee," explained the lead author of the work, professor of biophysical chemistry Toby Jenkins (Toby Jenkins).

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru03.04.2013

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