19 February 2015

Theranostics at Saratov University

SSU engaged in unique nanocapsules for biomedicine

"Business vector"Collecting information about the state of health inside the human body and delivering medicine at the right moment to the right cells and tissues is the task of the new concept of a comprehensive solution that combines therapy and diagnostics – theranostics.

The laboratory "Remotely controlled systems for Theranostics", created at Saratov State University at the end of last year, is working on the creation of nanocapsules comparable to the size of a human cell.

– Since 2003, we have collaborated with a leading scientist in this field, Professor Gleb Sukhorukov of Queen Mary University of London, who developed a technology for producing microcapsules, – says Dmitry Gorin, Deputy head of the laboratory, Doctor of Chemical Sciences. – Now this experience has been transferred to SSU, and we continue to work on the creation of capsules, thanks to the won megagrant of 90 million rubles. These funds made it possible to create a laboratory, purchase the most modern equipment of European standards for further research.

– We have our own task – to make capsules sensitive to certain effects – electromagnetic, laser radiation, ultrasound, – says the scientist. – We compare a nanocapsule with a biosonde or a spacecraft that goes on a "voyage" through the blood vessels of the body. By remotely controlling it, it is possible to deliver a drug at a certain dose, open the nanocontainer, release substances and control their effects. This is a completely new concept for medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.

In addition to diagnostics and treatment, remotely controlled systems are used as a means of monitoring the state of the body over time and a kind of ambulance. The doctor needs to have as much information about the patient as possible, but medicine is often late, for example, it is necessary to take urgent measures when a heart attack or stroke has already occurred. The capsule, as a depot, stores the necessary substances, in a critical situation, the system releases them and throws them into battle. Ideally, a person can do this on their own through a gadget – open the mini-container even without a doctor, automatically.

Such innovative space technologies in biomedicine are being created as a result of cooperation at the intersection of sciences. According to Gorin, partners from other countries of the world are involved in working on joint projects – biologists, chemists, physicists, for example, two young scientists from Germany and Italy, a specialist in bacteria.

The laboratory united Saratov scientific groups with a single goal, having experience and their own developments. Among them are researcher of gold nanoparticles, biosensor technologies and methods for obtaining biosondes N.G. Khlebtsov from IBFRM RAS, pathomorphologist, professor of SSMU G.N. Maslyakova, biophysicist, specialist of laser physics and biophotonics, Professor of SSU V.V. Tuchin and others.

– Now we are conducting preclinical studies on animals, working out the delivery of medicines, solving many related issues on the use of non-toxic nanocomposite materials, encapsulation of medicines, dose reduction, accuracy of targeted delivery, and others.

– Another task of our laboratory is to educate scientific personnel who have experience in solving complex problems, the most modern approaches and experience of collegial work, – emphasizes Dmitry Gorin. – We have set ourselves a rather ambitious task – to become a coordinator of work, so that all ways and solutions are in our hands. According to Gleb Sukhorukov, there is nothing like this in Russia, and this makes Saratov one of the centers of research in the field of the use of microcapsules.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru19.02.2015

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