19 November 2019

Barons are getting old…

Scientists have found out why the belly grows with age

RIA News

Scientists have found out why the belly begins to grow with age. The results of the study are published in the journal Cell Metabolism (Camell et al., Aging Induces an Nlrp3 Inflammasome-Dependent Expansion of Adipose B Cells That Impairs Metabolic Homeostasis).

As we age, the body's ability to burn fat decreases, and it begins to be deposited under the skin, in the muscles, around the internal organs. The accumulation of internal fat in the abdominal cavity is especially noticeable. This is the so-called abdominal, or visceral, fat. Its excess leads to obesity, type II diabetes, inflammatory diseases.

Scientists from the USA and Germany, led by Vish Deep Dixit, professor of comparative medicine and immunobiology from the Yale School of Medicine, found that in elderly mice, immune B cells in abdominal fat suddenly begin to grow, which leads to metabolic disorders and inflammation.

According to the authors of the article, in a young organism, when an infection enters the body, the number of B cells increases, and then, after the infection is defeated, it again decreases to the initial level. With age, the population of B-lymphocytes ceases to decrease and remains in visceral fat, which leads to obesity and chronic inflammation.


"This causes a predisposition to diabetes and metabolic disorders," says Dixit (in a press release New finding offers possibility for preventing age–related metabolic disease - VM).

The researchers found that the number of fat B cells grows by receiving signals from nearby macrophages. In addition, they found that by reducing the signal of macrophages and removing fat cells, it is possible to reverse the process of expansion of B cells and protect the body from age-related metabolic diseases.

Drugs that neutralize B cells are already being used to treat some types of cancer. Scientists believe that it is necessary to test the effectiveness of the effects of these drugs on poorly functioning fat B cells. This can open up new opportunities to improve the quality of life and health of the elderly, reduce the level of age-related metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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