The main cause of sarcopenia
A recent study by Swedish scientists gives hope for the emergence of new methods of keeping muscles strong in old age.
28.02.2018A recent study by Swedish scientists gives hope for the emergence of new methods of keeping muscles strong in old age.
28.02.2018The mice from older fathers showed signs of aging more strongly, and they lived 2 months less than their peers from young males.
27.02.2018Review of current data on the "Horvath clock" linking DNA methylation with biological and chronological age.
21.02.2018The regulator of the activity of genes controlling cell division may become another target in the development of anti-aging methods.
19.02.2018The mechanisms underlying Alzheimer's disease and preceding the accumulation of toxic proteins and brain damage are described.
09.02.2018The failure of the biological clock with sleep disorders occurs several years before the manifestation of the initial signs of Alzheimer's disease.
30.01.2018The phenotype of immunological risk is a prognostic factor for the development of cognitive impairment and mortality.
30.01.2018Changes in the innate immune response in old age are very important.
30.01.2018The ability of cells of the immune system to renew in the process of physiological aging is fading.
30.01.2018Physiological aging is characterized by continuous adaptation of the body to destructive changes.
30.01.2018Another factor affecting the state of the immune system is the effect of free radicals.
29.01.2018The same factors contribute to both the development of decrepitude and increased life expectancy.
29.01.2018Naked diggers are an exception to many "rules" of the animal world: as it turned out, these rodents do not even age and do not begin to die more often with age.
29.01.2018This is a relatively new area of research associated with an increase in life expectancy.
29.01.2018Systemic removal of neurons that have lost their potential for division inhibits the development of Parkinson's disease in laboratory animals.
26.01.2018Review of two recently published freely available articles on the role of mitochondria in the aging process.
26.01.2018This newly proposed criterion measures how old people are, not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of death.
19.01.2018The discovery of a new mechanism of brain aging will help in the future to prolong the normal functioning of the central nervous system in humans.
15.01.2018Scientists have uncovered an unusual link between a low-calorie diet, life extension and sex.
27.12.2017The thematic issue of The Journals of Gerontology, Series A – from experiments on unicellular to the results of the first clinical trial.
22.12.2017You can write to the editor at:
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