Feel like a 75-year-old
German scientists have created a costume that allows young people to feel like old people for a while.
11.07.2012German scientists have created a costume that allows young people to feel like old people for a while.
11.07.2012The brain of a naked digger retains an unusually high level of the neuroprotective protein neuregulin-1 throughout its life.
03.07.2012Elderly people who feel lonely are characterized by a 59% higher risk of deterioration of health and a 45% higher risk of death.
20.06.2012Experts hope that preventing the development of cancer and other age-related diseases will only be a side effect of drugs developed based on the results of their work. The main result will be a slowdown in the aging process.
19.06.2012Every year, for which a man postpones plans to procreate, increases the length of his children's telomeres. Moreover, this effect accumulates from generation to generation.
13.06.2012Researchers from New York University have shown that the AUF1 protein slows down the aging process by activating telomerase synthesis.
28.05.2012According to preliminary data, the common sleeper can become a Russian alternative to the famous naked digger: he lives much longer than rodents of the same size (how much is still unknown) and, it seems, does not age until death.
24.05.2012Resveratrol increases not only the overall life expectancy, but also prolongs the period of healthy life by stimulating the activity of mitochondria.
03.05.2012Two more regulatory proteins have been found that can interfere with the mechanism of action of TOR protein kinase (rapamycin target) and achieve an increase in life expectancy without undesirable side effects.
02.05.2012The activity of the "aging genes" is triggered or blocked by epigenetic factors (most likely at an early age) and determines the speed of the aging process and the potential longevity of a person.
24.04.2012A new method for identifying proteins associated with the aging process of mammals will allow us to develop methods to slow down the process of natural aging and prevent age-related diseases.
04.04.2012The discovery of molecular mechanisms of the link between an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease in diabetes and a decrease in the concentration of insulin in brain tissue in Alzheimer's disease gives hope for the emergence of new treatments for this disease.
22.03.2012One could say that planarians fit into the theory that only organisms with asexual reproduction can afford immortality. But those worms that reproduce sexually are also capable of endless regeneration.
28.02.2012Those who worry more before a stressful event age faster at the cellular level. This is expressed in the shortening of telomeres, counters of cell division, which are considered indicators of biological age.
22.02.2012Smoking and obesity "age" the body at the molecular level in the same way as time does.
20.02.2012Extremely long-lived proteins in the composition of nuclear pores work all the life of the body without replacement. Violations of their structure make the membrane of the cell nucleus permeable to toxins, and the normal operation of the cell is disrupted.
06.02.2012All the efforts of eggs are spent on protecting DNA, and due to the fact that they do not particularly monitor their own condition, oocytes age much faster than somatic cells.
08.12.2011Exposure to certain areas of the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease with weak electrical impulses allows you to suspend and even reverse the degeneration of nervous tissue and improve cognitive function.
24.11.2011At the annual congress of the American Society of Neuroscience, new data are presented that not only clarify some of the mechanisms of brain aging, but also provide information that will help older people retain their mental abilities.
17.11.2011Aging olfactory neurons lose the selectivity of responding to different stimuli. In other words, with age, a person's ability to distinguish different smells from each other deteriorates.
14.11.2011You can write to the editor at:
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