Vessels are to blame for senile muscle weakness
In old age, insulin ceases to have a vasodilating effect on the smallest muscle capillaries, which leads to a violation of protein synthesis and muscle tissue renewal processes.
24.05.2010In old age, insulin ceases to have a vasodilating effect on the smallest muscle capillaries, which leads to a violation of protein synthesis and muscle tissue renewal processes.
24.05.2010It is believed that protein inclusions in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases lead neurons to death. However, recent work has shown that perhaps protein plaques are an attempt by neurons to avoid death.
17.05.2010One of the main health problems faced by the aging generation is the extinction of cognitive function. The mechanisms underlying these processes need to be considered in the context of the molecular biology of the aging process.
14.05.2010Removal of the arrestin gene from the genome of nematodes led to an increase in the lifespan of these organisms by 30%, while a three-fold increase in the expression of this gene reduced it by 30%.
12.05.2010Many of the most important mechanisms of aging have hardly changed over billions of years of evolution and work not only in yeast, but also in mammals. The study of yeast aging made it possible to find the most promising geroprotectors currently being developed.
04.05.2010The issue includes several reviews describing the results of recent studies on various aspects of aging and the possibility of applying the results obtained to prevent age-related diseases and prolong human life and youth.
30.03.2010A new approach to the study of age–related memory changes – the study of the brain of people who have retained a good memory until old age - will make it possible to establish what exactly allows such people to avoid senile senility.
25.03.2010Microglia – immune cells of the nervous system – destroys neurons in the brains of mice suffering from Alzheimer's disease, under the influence of signaling proteins synthesized by the neurons themselves. It remains only to learn how to block these signals.
24.03.2010The developers of "tablets for old age" have another potential target – the human analogue of the protein Sestrin, whose ability to slow down the aging process and the development of age-related diseases is shown for fruit flies.
09.03.2010Perhaps, in addition to participating in the "tuning" of the biological clock, the per gene controls the mechanism that ensures the restoration of oxidative damage. Disruption of its functioning leads to accelerated aging, which can manifest itself in the development of a whole range of pathological conditions, including neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
03.03.2010However, so far at the level of individual cells of people suffering from premature aging. The transformation of their fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells lengthens their telomeres and activates telomerase.
24.02.2010The process of normal aging is accompanied by a decrease in the duration and depth of sleep necessary to ensure daytime wakefulness. At the same time, healthy old people feel less sleepy during the day than young people.
03.02.2010A study of a unique population of Brazilian dwarfs has shown that growth hormone deficiency does not affect life expectancy. Unfortunately, these data are unlikely to reduce the number of offers to rejuvenate with injections of somatotropic hormone.
02.02.2010On April 18, 2007, the international conference "Pathophysiology of Aging, longevity and age-related diseases" was held in Palermo, Italy. In the proposed report, we present basic information about the most important issues discussed.
18.01.2010Successful aging is a matter that concerns not only the elderly. This is something we can work on all our lives.
11.01.2010Scientists have calculated two key genes that regulate the cellular response to sugar deficiency. The first one, hTERT, encodes the enzyme telomerase, which allows cells to divide indefinitely. The second, p16, encodes a protein that suppresses tumor development.
23.12.2009Sirtuins mediate the effect of a low-calorie diet on a brain system known as the somatotropic signaling axis. This system controls the growth of the organism and affects the duration of its life.
18.12.2009Life expectancy in mice with reduced activity of the IGF-1-mediated signaling mechanism increased by 35%. And, despite the brains clogged with amyloid plaques, they did not show symptoms of Alzheimer's disease until old age.
15.12.2009Lonely elderly people can "infect" others with their mood: their acquaintances and neighbors subsequently gradually move away from people, eventually being eliminated from society as a whole.
02.12.2009Physical activity as such is not related to the development of Alzheimer's disease: it is strength that is important, not how much a person spends in motion, how his lungs work and what body weight is.
12.11.2009You can write to the editor at:
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