The key to a healthy old age
With an overall increase in life expectancy, people who have not received an education after graduation live longer with poor health.
13.11.2019With an overall increase in life expectancy, people who have not received an education after graduation live longer with poor health.
13.11.2019A preserved sense of smell combined with high cognitive test results indicate an almost complete absence of the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
30.10.2019The level of neural activity affects life expectancy. A key role in this is played by a protein called REST ("rest").
18.10.2019Finnish biologists have discovered the cause of aging in mice whose DNA in mitochondria mutates faster than usual.
08.10.2019When the length of telomeres in human chromosomes changes with age, this is reflected in the gray matter in the cerebral cortex.
01.10.2019Scientists from the Buck Institute have identified 44 proteins associated with cellular aging that are involved in blood clotting.
25.09.2019If a person has lived below the poverty line for four years, then mentally and physically he will grow old before those who were more lucky with money.
19.09.2019With age, lipid metabolism slows down in human adipose tissue, which leads to problems with excess weight.
10.09.2019A 20-year study of populations of three species of salamanders has led to an amazing discovery: salamanders do not age at all.
04.09.2019The softening of the intercellular matrix restored youth to the nerve stem cells of rodents.
29.08.2019Scientists conducted an experiment with young cells – forced them to stop producing nucleotides. As a result, the cells began to wither.
26.07.2019Failures in autophagy processes caused by cell aging can be the cause of the development of many neurodegenerative diseases.
24.07.2019Imagine that old age and cancer, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, are not complete opposites, but the same thing.
22.07.2019The organism of long-lived nematodes coped with stress worse than worms deprived of one of the "longevity genes" – tcep-1.
18.07.2019Tau protein spreads more easily in the brain of older people, so the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increases with age.
10.07.2019Instead of telomere length, Spanish scientists suggest using another indicator – the rate of telomere shortening.
09.07.2019Immune cells prevent neurons from multiplying in aging mice. Perhaps that is why mental abilities decrease with age.
04.07.2019A new model for studying age-related cognitive decline is based on taking into account individual characteristics of a person.
20.06.2019After 50 years, the molecular mechanism that resists age-related changes turns off. Is it possible and necessary to turn it on again?
19.06.2019Genetics plays an important role in determining the age of menopause and overall life expectancy.
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