08 June 2017

About the benefits of a "beer belly"

The fatty gland was called an important part of immunity

Sergey Vasiliev, Naked Science

The internal organs of our body are lined with folds of connective tissue of the peritoneum, rich in fat. The omentum entangles both the stomach and liver, but especially the intestines, providing them with nutrition, protection, mechanical support, it also participates in hormonal metabolism, inflammation, and performs a number of other functions. For example, if the integrity of the intestine is violated, it "seals" the lesion and does not allow its contents to pour into the body cavity, causing peritonitis.



Recent works allow us to name another important function of this part of the peritoneum – it plays the role of one of the first lines of defense in protecting the body from toxins and infections. This conclusion was reached by Troy Randall and Selene Meza-Perez from the University of Alabama, the authors of the review of the immune role of the omentum Immunological Functions of the Omentum, which was published by the journal Trends in Immunology.

Scientists point to "milk islands" – light clusters of lymph nodes, which provide immune functions. They are scattered over adipose tissue and play the role of a kind of "checkpoints". Entangled in capillaries and rich in active immune cells, these accumulations filter fluids from potentially dangerous agents.

"The fluid around the internal organs is not stationary, it circulates through the "milk islands", – says Troy Randall. – "Milk islands" collect cells, antigens and bacteria before a clear immune response is formed on them." Then, after the "primary chemical analysis", a corresponding reaction is formed in the lymphatic cells of the omentum. Signaling molecules are released in the tissue, triggering fibrosis, inflammation or other suitable protective process.

On the other hand, scientists also note the weak point of this mechanism: cancer. "As for tumor cells, the omentum makes the wrong decisions," continues Troy Randall, "although tumors are rare in it, cells trapped in the "milk islands" with a flow of fluids settle here like algae in a pool filter, developing metastases." Perhaps this will make them targets for new anticancer drugs.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  08.06.2017

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