30 August 2021

Dead Loop

Scientists called the signs of approaching death

Alfiya Yenikeeva, RIA Novosti

According to several scientific papers, already 14 years before death, characteristic physiological changes begin in the human body. As a rule, they are not visible to the naked eye, special studies are needed to identify them. Scientists hope that the new data will make it possible to diagnose age-related diseases earlier and increase life expectancy.

The Death Spiral

Back in 2006, biologists from the University of California (USA) fruit flies-fruit flies – 2828 females and two males were observed. Insects do not live long, only a few weeks, but this time was enough to notice one oddity: if the female began to lay fewer eggs, she soon died. Moreover, the dependence worked both for very young individuals and for old ones. It got to the point that researchers predicted the exact date of death of drosophila by the level of fertility.

In 2012, the same team revealed a similar pattern in male fruit flies: a few days before death, they mated worse. Regardless of age, some of the insects that were about to die soon had a weaker reproductive function than their peers. At the same time, the fruit flies looked healthy externally.

In 2016, a researcher at the University of Minnesota (USA) came to similar conclusions James Kertsinger. During the experiments, he also found a decrease in fertility in fruit flies a few days before death. Moreover, both young and old individuals fit into this model equally.

So, the researchers decided, a special period is coming on the eve of the near death. It differs from childhood, maturity or later years of life, and it can be determined by physiological changes in the body. They called it the death spiral.

However, scientists warned against considering a decrease in fertility as a universal sign of imminent death for everyone. Many species, including humans, differ from fruit flies in a number of biological parameters. This means that completely different manifestations can signal their imminent demise. However, they did not know which ones in 2016.

Closer to the ground

In August 2021, Danish and Swedish scientists discovered one of these likely signs by analyzing the physiological parameters, as well as data on the health and lifestyle of almost two and a half thousand compatriots born between 1908 and 1952.

Participants in long–term studies were measured twice in height - at the age of 44-47 years and ten to thirteen years later. On average, during this period, women became 0.8 centimeters lower, which is considered the norm. These processes are usually associated with flattening of the vertebral discs, curvature of the back and compression fractures.


However, the growth of a small group of participants decreased by 14 centimeters. And most of them died in the next 19 years after the second dimension. According to calculations, it turned out: a significant decrease in height correlates with an almost twofold increase in the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases. Thus, every centimeter lost increased the chance of dying from a heart attack or stroke by 14 percent in Swedish women and by 21 percent in Danish women. With a decrease of more than two centimeters, the indicators grew to 74 and 80 percent, respectively. The authors of the work suggested that measuring growth in women after 40-45 years will help to identify the risk of developing and exacerbating cardiovascular diseases in time. And, therefore, will reduce the number of premature deaths.

Slowing down life

A little earlier, French and British researchers wrote about the non-obvious signs of a near death. This time it was about physiological changes characteristic of both men and women.

Scientists have been observing almost six thousand volunteers aged 35 to 55 for nine years. Their walking speed, time to get up from a chair, grip strength were periodically evaluated, and in addition, the usual actions that every healthy person performs daily: for example, dressing, cooking or buying groceries. At the end of 2019, the researchers calculated the number of deaths among the subjects and correlated them with the collected data.


It turned out that the more difficult routine actions are given to a person, the higher the risk of dying in the next few years. So, a gradual increase in the time of getting up from a chair began on average a decade before death, and difficulties in everyday life – about four years.

In addition, the authors of the work calculated: a decrease in walking speed increases the risk of imminent death by 22 percent, problems with grip strength by 15 percent, and with lifting from a chair by 14 percent. The risk of dying increases by 30 percent when a person begins to have difficulties in everyday life.

The researchers suggest that if such screenings of motor activity are carried out in time, it is possible to reduce mortality among people over 60 years old.

Level drop

According to the employees University of Exeter (UK), a sure sign of impending death is a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Experts analyzed the electronic records of 46 thousand Britons who died at the age of 60 and older. The data that doctors entered into the patient's cards for 20 years before their death came into view. Among the involuntary participants of the study were both relatively healthy people and those who were diagnosed with cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

It turned out that most of them had their blood pressure starting to decrease about 14 years before their death. The symptom was observed both in those taking medications for hypertension, and in those who did not need therapy. It turns out that this sign can be considered a marker of imminent death. However, the authors emphasize, this applies only to people over 60 years old.

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