18 April 2017

Gadget for official use

Verily has introduced a smartwatch for clinical research

Oleg Lischuk, N+1

Verily Life Sciences, the biomedical branch of Alphabet, has introduced a smartwatch designed to collect data during research, according to the company's blog.

Study _Watch.jpg

Long-term passive (without special actions on the part of scientists and participants) collection of biological information greatly facilitates the conduct of clinical trials. At the same time, its capabilities using devices available on the market are limited, and platform differences make it difficult to standardize and unify the collected data.

To expand the possibilities for collecting and processing clinical information, Verily has developed a smartwatch called Study Watch. When creating them, the opinions of scientists, clinicians and users were taken into account, the report says.

The device is equipped with numerous sensors that register both physiological parameters (for example, ECG, pulse rate, electrical conductivity of the skin, motor activity) and environmental conditions. According to the developers, the Study Watch processor power is sufficient for algorithmic processing of data in real time, and the storage size and compression of information allow you to store raw information for weeks without the need for frequent synchronization with the server. The battery capacity is enough for a week of battery life. The specific parameters of the device are not given in the message.

Verily Study Watch is created only for biomedical research and is not intended for sale. Only the current time and a set of instructions are shown to the user. The data is stored in encrypted form and processed in a cloud service using machine learning algorithms. This approach is easily scalable for population-based, longitudinal and other large-scale studies. It also allows you to structure and unify data collections for meta-analysis.

As noted in the message, the hardware of the device is adapted to future extensions and updates concerning algorithms and interface for solving specific research tasks.

Currently, Verily Study Watch is planned to be involved in conducting partner observational studies, in particular, Personalized Parkinson's Project dedicated to the personalization of therapy for Parkinson's disease, Baseline study, designed to create a genetic and molecular portrait of a healthy person, and others.

One of the most refined Verily creations to date is contact lenses that are able to monitor the level of glucose and other biochemical parameters in the lacrimal fluid. The company is also developing a spoon that compensates for tremor in parkinsonism; a bracelet that tracks physiological parameters and a Tricorder diagnostic platform based on nanoparticles that works with it. Together with Johnson & Johnson, she is engaged in the improvement of surgical robots, and with GlaxoSmithKline – developments in the field of bioelectronic medicine.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  18.04.2017

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