25 September 2013

Lose weight with an antioxidant

Scientists have discovered an antioxidant that prevents obesity in mice

RIA NewsThe antioxidant tempol prevents the development of obesity in mice by changing the composition of bacteria in their intestines, according to an article published in the journal Nature Communications (Li et al., Microbiome remodelling leads to inhibition of intestinal farnesoid X receptor signaling and decreased obesity – VM).

A snapshot from the press release of The Pennsylvania State University Adjusting bacteria in intestines may lead to obesity treatments - VM.Earlier studies have shown that thanks to tempol, mice on a fatty diet remain slim.

It is also known that overweight can be associated with the specific composition of intestinal microorganisms. Frank Gonzalez from the National Institute of Malignant Neoplasms in Bethesda (USA) and his colleagues investigated the effect of tempol on the composition of bacteria in the intestines of mice.

They found that the use of this substance significantly changed the composition of the bacterial "population" of rodent intestines: Firmicutes-type bacteria, in particular lactobacilli, gave way to representatives of the Bacteroidetes type. The result obtained by Gonzalez and his colleagues is consistent with other studies that have shown that both humans and obese mice have more Firmicutes-type bacteria in their intestines.

Scientists suggest that the change in the composition of bacteria led to the fact that fewer lactobacilli produced fewer enzymes that break down bile acids, so the level of these acids in the intestine increased. They, in turn, bound to the receptor for bile acids located in the liver and intestines, and "turned off" the associated mechanism of processing bile acids, fats and glucose.

As a result, mice treated with tempol got fatter by eating fatty foods. The important role of this receptor in obesity is confirmed by the fact that mice in which the gene encoding the receptor for bile acids was turned off also kept slim on a fatty diet.

Scientists believe that the creation of drugs that block the receptor for fatty acids may be a promising way to treat obesity, although the effect of tempol on obesity in humans has yet to be investigated.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru25.09.2013

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