17 December 2021

Sports Enzyme

Scientists have found an enzyme that allows sports to slow down aging

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

The discovery will allow the use of a new target for the treatment of various diseases, the risk of which increases with age.

The benefits of sports for people of all ages are obvious, but physical activity gives a special positive effect to the elderly. First of all, it is an effective prevention of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus, the risk of which increases with age. Until now, scientists did not know the exact mechanism by which a sedentary lifestyle leads to resistance. The discovery of Australian scientists from Monash University has identified key participants in this process, according to a press release from Monash researchers discover key to how exercise protects against consequences of aging.

Article by Xirouchaki et al. Skeletal muscle NOX4 is required for adaptive responses that prevent insulin resistance published in the journal Science Advances – VM.

Scientists have discovered how sport increases insulin sensitivity, which in turn improves metabolism.

It turned out that the development of insulin resistance is preceded by a reduction in the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Meanwhile, skeletal muscles constantly produce ROS and their number increases during exercise.

"Exercise—induced ROS contribute to adaptive reactions, which are an integral part of the health-improving effects of exercise," commented Tony Tiganis, the head of the work. And the key factor for these reactions is the enzyme NOX4.

In experiments on mouse models, scientists have found that NOX4 increases in skeletal muscles under load, leading to an increase in ROS. As a result, for rodents, this has become the prevention of insulin resistance, type II diabetes and obesity.

It is important that the NOX4 level was directly associated with an age-related decrease in insulin sensitivity. "Triggering the activation of adaptive mechanisms controlling NOX4 can be key for the prevention of senile diseases," Tiganis said.

It is noteworthy that some compounds in cruciferous vegetables may be likely candidates for drugs to control NOX4. For example, similar anti-aging compounds were found in broccoli and cauliflower. Meanwhile, it can be difficult to get the necessary amount of enzyme from food, since people are not ready to consume these products so often, the authors of the discovery believe.

A year ago, scientists from the United States found a protein that restores strength and endurance to old mice. It plays an important role in the work of muscles and exposure to it can become a universal tool for the prevention of age-related degeneration.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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