25 September 2019

Super interface

A compact non-invasive wireless neurointerface has been created

Georgy Golovanov, Hi-tech+

A working brain-computer interface is the dream of many, from Elon Musk to Mark Zuckerberg, but the development of this technology has just begun. American engineers have developed a compact control system for a wheelchair, computer or home robot. It does not require surgical operations.

Modern neurointerfaces require the use of bulky electroencephalographs that read brain signals through caps with wires. Researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology, Kent State University and The University of Wichita has developed a portable EEG recording system: some of the flexible wireless sensors are attached to the skin at the base of the neck, the rest are hidden in a headband. Data is collected and sent via Bluetooth to a computer that can be up to 15 meters away.


The electrodes turned out to be soft and flexible enough not to cause discomfort during prolonged wear, said Ye Woon Hong, chief developer of the neurointerface.

The work of scientists describes fundamental strategies for designing ergonomic, portable EEG recording systems for a wide range of auxiliary devices, household appliances and brain-computer interfaces.

The main innovation is the development of a fully integrated set of high-resolution EEG monitoring systems and elastic electrical circuits, according to a press release. Georgia Institute of Technology.

Article by Mahmood et al. Fully portable and wireless universal brain–machine interfaces enabled by flexible scalp electronics and deep learning algorithm published in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence – VM.

During the prototype tests, six healthy volunteers controlled the movements of a small robot with the power of thought.

The next step will be to improve the electrodes, after which it will be possible to assess whether the interface is suitable for use by people with impaired motor functions.

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