18 September 2018

Talk to me

AI determines dementia based on the results of a three-minute conversation

Svetlana Maslova, Hi-tech+

The spread of senile dementia increases along with the increase in life expectancy. For a quick diagnosis of this condition, Japanese scientists suggest talking to an AI that will make a verdict in three minutes.

Researchers from Osaka University and the Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan) have proved that it is possible to detect dementia in people during a conversation. The patient answers simple questions, and the algorithm makes an accurate diagnosis by analyzing the answers.

AI is enough to ask six questions to identify people with dementia within 2-3 minutes with a 92% probability, according to the Osaka University website.


Diagram of the dialogue between a person and an avatar
(a) Introduction
"What's your name?"
(b) Eye concentration test
(c) Reading test
(d) Mandatory question
"What's the date today?"
(e) Random question
How is your appetite?
(f) Retelling test
Please remember the story I'm about to read.

(From the press release of Osaka University Computer avatars play a part in dementia detection - VM.)

Earlier, the team proved that the signs of dementia can be distinguished by analyzing the delay in answering questions, the intonation of a person, the speed of articulation, as well as the percentage of nouns and verbs during the dialogue.

Now the AI is ready to make a diagnosis based on the features of speech and pronunciation, as well as human facial expressions.

"Daily conversations with AI at home should help identify the first signs of dementia. This will encourage you to seek medical help at the earliest stage of the development of the disease," says scientist Takeshi Kudo.

He considers the new method universal and points out clear advantages over existing methods. So, earlier dementia was detected using neuropsychological tests, and with this approach, the patient gets used to the questions asked, which directly reduces the effectiveness.

Article by Tanaka et al. Detecting Dementia Through Interactive Computer Avatars is published in the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine – VM.

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