10 March 2021

Ultrasound against obesity

Ultrasound stimulation of the liver helped to cope with obesity

Georgy Golovanov, Hi-tech+

Obesity is one of the most serious problems of modern healthcare. A relatively simple and non-invasive solution is offered by American specialists.

Article by Huerta et al. Targeted peripheral focused ultrasound stimulation attenuates obesity-induced metabolic and inflammatory dysfunctions published in the journal Scientific Reports – VM.

In the past , scientists from The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and GE Research have already established that ultrasound pulses can be used to stimulate the peripheral nervous system and reduce inflammation. Since chronic inflammation occurs in many metabolic processes caused by obesity, experts were interested in the question of whether this technology could be used to treat this disease and related complications.

In order to find out, they conducted experiments on mice, according to a press release from the Feinstein Institutes and GE Research demonstrate ultrasound stimulation reduces obesity. One group of animals received food rich in fat and carbohydrates, and the control group ate more balanced. As expected, in eight weeks, the first group gained overweight weight.

From the ninth week, mice from both groups were divided into two more subgroups: some underwent focused ultrasound stimulation of the liver daily, while others received placebo. This phase of testing lasted another 8 weeks.

The results showed that mice fed mainly on fats and carbohydrates and did not undergo therapy continued to gain weight during the second phase. And those of them who were treated with ultrasound showed better indicators on a number of points: they gained less weight, ate less, accumulated less visceral fat, and their level of some metabolic and inflammatory markers in the blood was closer to normal.

In the control group, there was almost no difference between the subgroups.

According to scientists, ultrasound stimulation can be used to treat obesity and related chronic conditions, such as diabetes or metabolic syndrome. They did not find any side effects of this procedure, but further research is needed for final conclusions.

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