05 September 2013

Arecoline restores strength to aging muscles

Aging is characterized by a gradually progressive extinction of the functions of all tissues of the body – the so-called functional aging, the end result of which is death. While many studies have been devoted to the study of the influence of genes and the environment on this process, the underlying mechanisms are practically ignored.

In order to understand the mechanisms of aging of muscle tissues and age-related extinction of motor function, researchers at the University of Michigan, working under the guidance of Professor Shawn Xu, evaluated changes in the functional status of neurons and muscle fibers of C.elegans nematodes throughout the life of these organisms, which is about 3 weeks.

They described a sequence of changes, the first stage of which is the extinction of the function of motor neurons, which begins at relatively early stages of the worms' life. In the future (in "middle age") in nematodes, the functions of the muscle walls of the body, controlled by weakened neurons, gradually fade away.

The authors also demonstrated that chemical stimulation with arecoline, an alkaloid found in the leaves and fruits of the areca palm, "rejuvenates" worms by improving their motor function.

Residents of India and Southeast Asia chew the fruits of the areca palm often in combination with other plant components, such as betel leaves (a shrub of the pepper family), as a stimulant. However, this practice is associated with an increased risk of developing cancer.

The authors suggest that the revealed pattern may extend to mammals and, possibly, in the future, methods of pharmacological stimulation of the nervous system will be developed that rejuvenate aging human muscles.

Article by Jie Liu et al. Functional Aging in the Nervous System Contributes to Age-Dependent Motor Activity Decline in C.elegans published in the journal Cell Metabolism.

In fact, the properties of arecoline have long been known, even to the World Anti-Doping Association, which has listed it as a banned substance. Dietary supplements with arecoline do not seem to be produced yet, but betel nuts have long been recommended and sold as a "legal steroid" in online stores for bodybuilders. With an indication of the dosage, positive and negative side effects and with links to articles no less scientific than this one. To chew or not to risk – think for yourself.

Evgeniya Ryabtseva
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of the University of Michigan:
Lessons From the Worm: How the Elderly Can Live an Active Life.


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