30 March 2021

Geroprotector tested on humans

A drug that slows down aging has been found

RIA News

American scientists conducted a pilot clinical trial of the drug, which is a mixture of glycine and acetylcysteine widely used in medicine. The results showed that this medicine eliminates multiple aging defects, restores muscle strength and cognitive abilities in the elderly. The article was published in the journal Clinical and Translational Medicine.

The drug GlyNAC, which was tested by researchers from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, is a combination of glycine and N–acetylcysteine (NAC). Glycine is used as an antidepressant and nootropic drug, NAC is part of the well-known mucolytic agent of the ACC. In chemical reactions, both of these substances serve as precursors of the highly effective natural antioxidant glutathione.

For 20 years, scientists have studied natural aging in humans and mice and came to the conclusion that the key point of protection against it is to preserve the health of mitochondria (cellular organelles responsible for energy production). Mitochondria produce the energy necessary to maintain cellular functions by burning fat and sugar from food.

When mitochondria produce energy, they produce waste – free radicals. These are highly reactive molecules that, in the absence of antioxidants, can damage cells, membranes, lipids, proteins and DNA. The most common antioxidant used by cells to neutralize toxic free radicals is glutathione. In previous studies, the authors found that the level of glutathione in older people is much lower than in young people, and the level of oxidative stress and mitochondrial defects, respectively, is much higher.

"There is still limited understanding of why these defects occur in older people, so effective interventions to eliminate these defects are not yet available," the press release says. Baylor College of Medicine, the words of the lead author of the article, Dr. Rajagopal Sekhar, associate professor of medicine in the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Other Diseases.

Animal studies conducted earlier in Sekhar's laboratory have shown that GlyNAC eliminates glutathione deficiency, reduces oxidative stress and completely restores mitochondrial function in old mice.

In the new study, scientists gave GlyNAC to elderly volunteers aged 70 to 80 for 24 weeks and compared their performance with a control group consisting of young people aged 21 to 30 years. The observations continued throughout the entire course of taking the drug and for another 12 weeks after its completion.

"We measured glutathione in red blood cells, the level of mitochondrial oxidation, plasma biomarkers of oxidative stress, damage and inflammation, endothelial function, glucose and insulin levels, gait dynamics, muscle strength, body composition, performance, conducted cognitive tests, and also assessed the rate of glucose production and breakdown of muscle proteins," explains Sekhar.

Before taking GlyNAC, these parameters differed significantly in the elderly and young people, but after the course they improved in the elderly, and in some returned to the same levels as in the young.

In particular, such characteristic indicators of aging as glutathione deficiency, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction, body fat, genomic toxicity, muscle strength, walking speed, performance and cognitive functions have normalized.

The researchers found that elderly people tolerate GlyNAC well for 24 weeks, but 12 weeks after stopping taking it, the effect begins to weaken and the indicators gradually return to their original level.

Nevertheless, the authors believe that GlyNAC supplement can be a simple, safe and effective means to maintain healthy aging.

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