13 May 2009

The formula of longevity

How to live 150 years?
Newspaper "Chas"Various studies assure that simple and accessible actions add 3-5 years of life...

If you add up the bonuses, it turns out that you can live more than 100 years. Believe it or not?

"You laugh for a minute – you live 5 minutes longer"The absurdity of this statement was best shown by wits.

If a cigarette, as is commonly believed, shortens life by 15 minutes, then after a smoke break you need 3 minutes to laugh – and the harm is neutralized!

Actually. Naturally, no one noticed with a stopwatch who laughs how much and how long he lives. It is impossible to conduct such a study, because a lot of factors affect life expectancy and it is unrealistic to single out laughter alone from them. However, a good mood and a positive attitude are an essential component of longevity. Only laughter does not prolong our life, but simply does not shorten it, unlike stress and nervous tension, which are definitely risk factors for the development of many diseases.

"Eat 40% less – you live 1.5 times longer"Let's take the average life expectancy of 70 years.

We add 35 years (a bonus from half-starved existence) and plan how we will celebrate the 100th anniversary. But why are there so few centenarians in countries where the population is malnourished?

Actually. The fact that reducing the caloric content of the diet lengthens life was proved by scientists from the University of Virginia (USA) back in the 30s of the XX century. But – on mice, fish, frogs... When primates were put on a low-calorie diet, the results were not so impressive. A group of American and Italian experts calculated that in order to achieve any tangible effect, they would have to be content with 1000- 1100 kcal per day. But on such a diet, there is a high risk of other health problems that will negate the rejuvenating effect.

"It is necessary to carefully interpret the results obtained on animals. It is not at all obvious that the same laws will work on a person: he is much more influenced by the external environment. It is worth working in this direction more," warns Thomas Kirkwood, director of the Institute of Aging (Newcastle, UK).

Nevertheless, it was possible to make a positive experience from these studies. American gerontologist and immunologist Dr. Ray Walford has deduced rules that can be quite adhered to, and tested them on himself.

"Walk for 30 minutes 5 times a week – and you will prolong your life for 2 years"

And if you walk for 40 minutes without days off, will you live even longer? And who knows how long I would have lived if I hadn't taken any therapeutic walks? Truly, the field for skepticism is huge.

Actually. The above formula is the result of an experiment by scientists from Harvard University. They just decided to define a mandatory minimum of physical activity in order to avoid physical inactivity and related diseases. 72 thousand nurses were chosen as test subjects. It turned out that those who walked for more than half an hour every day had a third lower risk of stroke. As a result, doctors formulated a federal recommendation: to maintain health, you need to walk for at least half an hour a day. The attempt to make a formula of longevity out of it is on the conscience of journalists.

"Work creatively – and you will live 6.5 years longer"This was shown by a study involving 2,600 people.

"Working for pleasure, we avoid the main negative factor – chronic stress," scientists from the University of Texas are sure. In addition, the "creators", as a rule, sleep better and eat more properly.

Actually. The study was not medical, but sociological, in the form of a telephone survey. Scientists were interested in where volunteers work, how much they receive, whether they are satisfied with their work and how they feel. For those who, by profession, solved complex mental tasks (not necessarily creative – this is an invention of the media), health indicators were at the level of younger people engaged in physical or uncomplicated mental work. The difference in average values (but not additional years of life) was 6.5 years.

"Drink 4-5 cups of mate daily – and keep your heart young"The risk of cardiovascular diseases among lovers of Paraguayan tea, or mate, is reduced by 10%, a group of Argentine scientists found out.

However, if we collect all the data about mate, the conclusion suggests itself: the pharmaceutical industry should be liquidated, and only mate should be sold in pharmacies – it is so miraculous.

Actually. The search for the original research in electronic libraries and specialized journals did not lead to anything. Maybe the study was conducted, but apparently it was so incorrect that it was not awarded publication in any peer-reviewed medical journal.

As for mate, its magic is usually explained by the presence of polyphenols in it, which protect cells from destruction. However, there are a lot of these substances in other types of tea, as well as in coffee, wine and juices. Polyphenols are certainly useful, but, as in the case of hiking, scientists have not made any far-reaching conclusions about the rejuvenating properties of the product.

Bottom line: set aside arithmetic!Life is not a mathematical example, there is no place in it for simple addition and subtraction of years.

Otherwise, the problem of longevity simply would not exist.

So far, all scientists agree on one thing: the most reliable way to prolong life is the prevention of diseases. "Not aging as such, but pathological aging is our enemy," says Domenico Cucinotta, professor of geriatrics at the University Clinic of Bologna (Italy). – Ailments greatly worsen the quality of life. They improve – a high level of education, social and physical activity, healthy habits, good mood and especially good sleep!"

If you want to live longer, do not chase fashionable recipes, but just try not to shorten the time allowed by nature. A balanced diet and physical activity, coupled with regular preventive examination by a doctor, is the most reliable formula for longevity. She's the simplest.

What determines health and life expectancy (according to WHO)10% – healthcare

  • 20% – heredity
  • 20% – ecology, climate
  • 50% – lifestyle

Harvard Walking ProgramHow exactly do you need to walk so that the benefits are maximized?

American doctors concretize.

  • Keep a fast, even pace of walking.
  • Straighten your back, slightly pull in your stomach, raise your head, straighten your shoulders.
  • Smoothly roll your foot from heel to toe.
  • The step length is slightly less than the average. If you want to speed up, just walk more often.
  • Increase the load gradually, especially if you have not done fitness before.

5 rules of low-calorie longevityFirst of all, it is necessary to grow up – restrictive diets are categorically contraindicated for children.

  1. You need to change the composition and calorie content of the menu gradually. Strict diets and prolonged fasting rather shorten life.
  2. You should not cut the diet below 2000 kcal per day for men and 1800 kcal per day for women.
  3. Choose foods that contain maximum nutrients with minimum calories; be sure to eat fruits and vegetables.
  4. Give up empty calories, especially refined sugar.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru13.05.2009

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