What does the aging clock show?
A Russian scientist has developed a new theory that fundamentally changes the approach to aging processes and methods of combating it.
27.11.2019A Russian scientist has developed a new theory that fundamentally changes the approach to aging processes and methods of combating it.
27.11.2019The term "aging" still has no clear scientific definition, and its causes number from 300 and above.
25.10.2019This article contains the theories of aging that are relevant today.
03.10.2019A group of Russian cytologists and gerontologists has identified a pattern that clarifies the cellular mechanisms of aging.
03.09.2019The problem of aging takes the resources and mental efforts of humanity far away from the problems and solutions of real human longevity.
18.07.2019How is the biological age of a person determined today and what does machine learning have to do with it.
08.07.2019Biogerontology specialist David James on different hypotheses of aging, classification of diseases and the role of genes in the aging process.
28.06.2019Long-lived animals grow up for a long time, hide in cold dark corners and are in no hurry to reproduce. What about the man?
28.05.2019Analysis of transcriptomes of long-lived and common nematodes showed that 71 genes contribute to biological age.
23.05.2019One of the causes of aging are retrotransposons LINE1 – DNA regions that can move and multiply within the genome.
13.03.2019A unified model of metabolic flow in the worm C.elegans allowed us to study the relationship between metabolism and aging processes.
11.02.2019The mechanism of autophagy – the processing of damaged or unnecessary structures and molecules in cells – is involved in almost every aspect of aging.
08.02.2019Review of the current level of study of the issue in natural and laboratory conditions.
04.02.2019Stress triggers cell aging through the production of reactive oxygen species with the participation of the enzyme DAO (D-amino acid oxidase).
31.01.2019The theory proposed by MIPT scientists will make it possible to create new drugs for common ailments of older people.
29.01.2019Alpina Non-fiction Publishing house publishes a new book by physicist and science popularizer Michio Kaku.
16.11.2018The same programs work in the old body as in the young one, just too long their work leads to disastrous results.
10.07.2018An increase in the concentration of proteins of one of the families of transcription factors increases the life expectancy of roundworms and mice.
16.10.2017In naked diggers, the activity of a number of proteins that work intensively in rodents with a short lifespan decreases with age.
09.10.2017"Switching off" the genes that initiate the autophagy process allows nematodes to live longer than worms whose genome has not been altered.
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