Shorten the death spiral
Perhaps studying the phenomenon that researchers have called the "death spiral" will someday give people the opportunity to stay healthy for the rest of their lives.
28.06.2016Perhaps studying the phenomenon that researchers have called the "death spiral" will someday give people the opportunity to stay healthy for the rest of their lives.
28.06.2016The huge variety of types of aging in plants and animals should alert lovers of generalizations – especially against generalizing the inevitability of aging.
16.06.2016It is still very early to talk about the victory over old age. Nevertheless, the discoveries already made give hope that someday a "cure for old age" - or at least a slowing down of old age – will still be created.
31.05.2016We age because various imperfections accumulate in the body, which, at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organismal levels, eventually lead to the death of an individual.
16.05.2016Aging Chart is an editable and peer–reviewed database of biological mechanisms and an encyclopedia of aging processes created on the basis of a wiki engine.
23.03.2016Some burrowing ("underground") rodents belonging to the families Spalacidae (blind man) and Bathyergidae (Damar digger and naked digger) are famous for their long life for their weight category.
08.02.2016Experiments with mutant worms living in different conditions have shown that the survival curve can lengthen or shorten depending on heredity and external factors, but its shape almost always remains unchanged.
08.02.2016In this article we will talk about animals for which the insignificant (negligible) mode is shown or only assumed and a little bit about original approaches to achieving negligible aging in humans.
04.02.2016The dynamics of aging is traditionally described with the help of "survival curves", showing what proportion of individuals survive to a certain age. The nature of the dependence of mortality on age varies greatly among different organisms.
03.02.2016How our ideas about aging have changed, how some theories try to explain aging and its neglect, and why it is so necessary for a person to "disassemble" ageless animals to molecules.
29.01.2016Aging does not have a single molecular cause - it is a systemic process involving a complex biological network. Genetic processes and environmental factors are equally involved in the mechanism of aging.
28.01.2016The Society of Gerontologists of the USA has published a unique e-book “Molecular and Cellular Biology of Aging” available for download, containing detailed reviews of all levels of the aging process of many organisms, from microbes to humans.
18.12.2015More and more data indicate that aging is not the result of a harmful program, but a consequence of excesses in the work of mechanisms that, with moderate activity, are beneficial.
04.12.2015With age, proteins in the cell begin to fold poorly due to changes in the redox potential at the assembly sites of protein molecules.
04.08.2015Interview with chemist Mikhail Shchepinov about the phenomenon of aging, theories explaining this process, and the goals of evolution.
23.06.2015Despite the increasing intensity of the search for the causes of longevity every year, the researchers have not found an answer to the question "Why do some people live 115 or even 120 years?".
22.06.2015Experiments on human fibroblasts have refuted the traditional mitochondrial theory of aging and demonstrated the causal role of epigenetic regulation of gene activity in age-related mitochondrial disorders.
27.05.2015Using an HTRA3 inhibitor – the "culprit" of a rare hereditary disease or an antioxidant neutralizing free radicals, the researchers managed to suppress the activity of the HTRA3 enzyme in the cells of patients with Coccain syndrome to a normal level.
22.05.2015The data, according to which the aging process is closely interrelated with the violation of the structure of heterochromatin, indicate a new promising direction in the development of methods for the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases.
07.05.2015Starting from DNA damage and ending with disruption of intercellular interactions, aging is a mysterious and versatile process.
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