09 January 2013

A comedian will help to study prostate cancer

Scientists: there is not enough money to study prostate cancer

BBCDespite the fact that prostate cancer is the most common oncological disease among the male population of the planet, it ranks only 20th in Britain in terms of research funding, representatives of charitable organizations say.

British scientists predict that by 2030 prostate cancer will become the most common male cancer in the United Kingdom.

The British charity Prostate Cancer UK is launching a new campaign to draw public attention to this problem. English comedian Bill Bailey will be the face of the campaign.

"The problem of prostate cancer is out of sight of the British – although one person dies from this disease every hour, and this is 10 thousand deaths among men annually. It's just that most men and women don't know enough about this situation," says Owen Sharp, executive director of Prostate Cancer UK.

"We need to follow the example of the successful breast cancer movement and correct the situation," Sharpe believes.

Research fundingAccording to the organization, twice as much money is allocated for breast cancer research – the most common female cancer – as for prostate cancer research: $1,375 per case of the disease versus $672.

Although mortality statistics for breast cancer patients are similar to prostate cancer mortality statistics.

Leukemia research is best funded: $6,292 for each case of the disease. The money comes from government funds and charitable organizations.

Every year, 40 thousand cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in Britain. And despite the fact that this disease responds well to treatment in the early stages, one patient dies from prostate cancer every hour, according to Prostate Cancer UK.

Last year, the British Cancer Research Center Cancer Research UK spent more than $ 535 million on research on male and female cancers, more than $ 32 million was spent on research related to prostate cancer.

Mortality from prostate cancer is increasing due to an increase in life expectancy, as the risk of this disease increases with age. Also, an increasing number of cases of the disease are detected using a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test.

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